

2023-02-15 15:26:55 初一作文 打开翻译

He, the hobby is free, great romanticism poet, lay Buddhist of date green lotus, call “ ” of blame celestial being. Who is he? He is the object that I adore, he calls Li Bai!


Li Bai most propbably everybody understands him somewhat, one of poets with the most crackajack Tang Dynasty. His poetic wind is bold and generous and elegant, by countless people recital. Diffusing in that air in the times with sweet book, created a light heavenly body, a detached poetic plum is white. Li Bai's work has a lot of, the theme of creation also has a lot of. The poetry that he makes, pure and fresh handsome stride atmosphere boundless, imposing manner is dye-in-the-wood. And Li Bai not only what the poem does is good, fencing also very Oh, the name that still has celestial being of a sword. Common people says Li Taibai is bookman poet, what be inferior to saying he is magician of an all corners of the country comes is a few apter. 10 paces of “ kill one person, a thousand li does not stay row. Thing stroke garment goes, hide result and name. What ” describes is Li Bai's excellent fencing.


Natural I adore Li Bai, the adored fencing that also is him not merely, still have him that distinct personality. Li Bai is not shown with the scholarly honour and official rank all one's life, however the body with the commoners and contempt influential officials, unbridled ground mocks the political phenomenon with critically and corrupt no use, the attitude with bold feudal revolt, advanced the acting heroic creed drive when Cheng Tang. He detests lay each trying to cheat the other, yearning move calms and free peach source lives, be far from the intrigue against each other of dirt of the world every. This plants Li Bai world-weary common, oppose the thought creed drive of influential officials, wear subsequently rose what his life carries out is rich and increasingly self-consciously with maturity.


Li Bai's lifetime is legend. He is junior become famous, fasten on poetic book gifted, get when 15 years old the appreciation of a few public figures. After that errant the various states swims visit all sorts of famous mountains and great rivers, a person with lofty ideals of associate with all corners of the land. Li Bai's expression very make public, let a person want to sell eternally anxious in all with him only. However, life is not as too much as the thing of meaning, everybody perhaps feels this scene is infinite, the great poet that have a boundless future also Ceng Yin is out at the elbows at Chang'an, must as blackguardly as those marketplace apprentice associate with. But lay Fan Chen's diversionary skin bursa that is him, his spirit and ideology broke through this to have a body already, fly to distance!


Li Bai a world-weary common, turn over the poet of great sentiment romance of influential officials, roam freely all over the world all one's life, still defeated reality eventually. But his volition still perpetuation my heart. The Li Bai of ” of celestial being of God —“ blame that he is me!


Author: Fu Saiting


The adviser comments on:


The article is in depict narrate respect special atmosphere, stressed your delineator thing very well, this are done very well. What the to Li Bai life in the composition is experienced and his poetry style holds is very accurate, write Li Bai's fencing especially, let me think of “ of a word from ” of dream of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of ancient prose person, this word is used in Li Bai to go up personally again appropriate did not pass. Your composition language air, of great momentum, read rise bright able to read aloud fluently, leave deep impression to the reader. Nevertheless, there also are a few flaws in the composition, the disposition that is pair of Li Bai then holds forbid, the ” of peach source life that says yearning and quiet and Li Bai “ is free among you, this uses appearance contented deep pool bright more appropriate, li Bai's disposition is not such, this need you to notice again!


Directive teacher: Zhang Xueqin

