

2023-01-30 14:36:03 初一作文 打开翻译

Be an in relief bright fawn on then afternoon, mom pushed a bicycle, “ , very beautiful bicycle! Say of ground of ” my surprise. Is “ beautiful? This bike rides to you, should have a try now? ”“ is good. ” my itch to try, rolled out the bicycle outside the door.


I sit on the bicycle, begin to learning the appearance of adult, a foot toes step on a few times on preexistence footplate, another foot takes the chance to be put on footplate, but become,my foot has not been put firm when, the bicycle begins not to suffer control ground to show “S” form to twist will be twisted. Final “ phut! Of ” , I throw even car belt person was in on the ground, control becomes red swollen, knee falls defeated a skin, all over ache, mom is not on the side, I am forced oneself climb hardly, uprear bicycle. Should want to abandon? Trip too ached. I think, gave up again this thought. Be no good, I must hold on, I must learn to ride a bicycle! Think, I sit again bicycle, begin to ride, trip, climb again, ride then. Because often keep lopsided, fell a lot of times, at this moment, the injury is everywhere on my body, the blueness on the leg together, violet together, but I tell myself to cannot abandon! I begin to ride again, be in at this moment, I am right crural do all one can toes step on, on left foot crural footplate, it is good to rode immediately far! I was stupefied, feel as sweet as eating candied date or jujube again in the heart, I rode a few meters again far, wind is worn in howl of my side side, the sun shines warmly go up in my body, as if everything is in congratulate to me, I am extremely happy, I found the sense that cycle eventually! I feel, I can ride many meters of 100 far …… again this momently I feel I am grown, oneself were insisting to learn to ride a bicycle, face difficulty bravely, overcome fear.来自作文吧 zUOwENbA.net


From learn to ride a bicycle in this thing, I realize gave a bit reason: Do a thing to want to hold to after all, cannot quit, at the back of which outstanding achievement, be to insist to be mixed hard? Want unremitting only, can move toward a success!

