

2022-08-04 07:57:40 初一作文 打开翻译

Want to speak of annual the Mid-autumn Festival, of our home cross a law to be absolutely try to be unique.


The Mid-autumn Festival is the festival of our country tradition, mention the Mid-autumn Festival, does the affirmation that we think of the first times eat moon cake namely? After all civilian be a day in order to feed, living and work in peace and contentment just is Guo Taimin those who install is indicative, have have ample food and clothing only people ability lives and work in peace and contentment, so our country also has a special liking to cate. Father of in former years is a choose and buy a few sweet moon cake, occur for the first time of old this year father lets our sister younger brother two do advocate, choose the taste that we like to the supermarket. This is good, I and elder sister overturned cate view of father, chosen all is salty moon cake, of what vitelline, Durian, connect meat stuffing even also chose a few. Does often pay by the side of pa edge ask Jing us to this can eat? We are laughing to say him " coat is covered " .


Besides eat moon cake, our home still has program of a reservation -- enjoy the glorious full moon. Mom prepares a few snacks designedly, place on the small square table of the courtyard, we are surrounded sit beside the table, be like,wear the moon of water, eating balsam pear to dip in white sugar, admiring a moon, do not carry have many satisfied. Sometimes the person is much, jam is shown a bit in the courtyard, we still can move a chair to the playground to see a moon. The moon of the Mid-autumn Festival, the circle has bright, according to whole campus Dou Guangliang shines, resembling is general by day.


If be pure,enjoy the glorious full moon rather too common dot. Every time this accession, the hand that father can pull us strolls round the playground, tell the story about the moon to us, this ability is our home most an activity of having sth new. We can tell the story about the moon by turns, what goddess in the moon approachs a month, day dog eats a month... the story that still has bay tree of Wu Gang cut down. The story is told, father offers with respect to this we play the game of poetic word, want to know to be below father's influence, I and elder sister also are perusal poetry book, also be willing naturally to exhibit skill greatly. A little while poetic word is right back, a little while poetic word is grabbed answer, the most difficult still count flying to make of course, already we are opposite check of lunar culture accumulate, check our response rate. Our cudgel one's brains for, search bowel blows abdomen, still defeat father finally, do not know to name of word of how many poem there is after all in old father abdomen really sentence?


The activity ends, the month already sank on the west, we still just did not use up the ground to answer house to sleep knowingly.

