

2022-06-22 23:31:54 初一作文 打开翻译

"From from go up formerly careless, a year old of one withered flourish. Wild baked wheaten cake is endless, spring breeze is blown be born again. " -- preface


"Grass is not famous and optional unripe " , no matter hilltop or flat, even if be a break, weeds also can grow a brilliant spring.


Weed, adamant. It grasped the pulse of the earth closely with its root ministry, no matter quake hill shakes, wind blows rain to hit, do not do the flower in conservatory. Free and easy, carefree and content, go up in the earth " unbridled " the ground delays continous verdancy. Although confronted driving natural disaster, it also won't somewhat a bit is awe-stricken, clutch the throat of the destiny, "Let a rainstorm come some more violently! " a wide expanse of flat land of break through brambles and thorns-hack one's way through difficulties. Even if by " difficult " Ko temporarily, he still is met " spring breeze is blown be born again " , "Nowhere does not delay take root continous " ! In survival of the fittest worldly, absolutely won't cut the weeds and dig up the roots, arbitrary, as much as one likes, in full bloom! Advance wave upon wave, unripe be born not to cease! Just about " an one's pupils or disciples is spent, only color of blue green grass is neat " !


Weed, labor force is waited for hair, ground of unknown to public awaits equal opportunity earthshaking. Although nobody are witting, but had done oneself stoutly, last cry breathtaking! Old grass although go off, but newborn tender grass saves energy in land however, await vernal outbreak. He won't contend for temporarily fame and gain, be able to bear or endure however the force in good land of bury of a person's mind. Attack to conceive and come when the first spring breeze, vernal signal is already dispersed, new grass is met none concede, disclose gives the earth, scan widely land, wrapping around new like halcyon emerald green new clothes enjoys move and happy and carefree spring breeze, like the red day that rises first, spirit enlivens! Encounter a paragraph of new life, was born a brand-new dawn. It knows, it meets in the future went back on its word stubbornly to go up in this world, a that when scrupulously abide by oneself tough with condescending. Labor force is waited for hair, constantly strive to become stronger, struggle not to cease!


Weed, the hope with dazzling a gleam of, yearning hope, exposed to the sun and unripe! Sunshine come down in torrents is full of the field of the hope to go up in this, moon is heavy also the earth that making length and breadth of land, its bath is in weed in intense and vernal nature, enjoying this nature feed with the gift, this is it in life indispensable " fuel " . Easy, open-minded, active, be hopeful! Never perplexed, never abandon, way won't be lost in darkness, break through darkness, sucking sunshine as before, hold the spring scenery that gives a variety of colour in both hands! Classics wind does not cease, value life, break through darkness, search the light in life, the light in follow life, make the light in life, final, give the world smooth transmission!


Weed, it " can be destroyed, but can be not defeated " , it " in one day gives red day, as before as neat as the day " , it " work with perseverance, inscriptions but engrave " . Constant, from one and eventually, persistent ground is living!


Weed, it is a hope, it is spring scenery, it is brilliant!

