

2022-07-29 14:15:16 初一作文 打开翻译

See downstair security personnel Uncle Wei every time, I feel his extraordinary.


Actually, uncle Wei and all security personnel are same, so ordinary that resemble a negligible small grass, bury sea of faces of Yu Mang boundless and indistinct. After can contacting Uncle Wei truly, you can feel again he and general security personnel widely different.


Uncle Wei appearance of more than 50 years old, security personnel uniform is clean and all over the body is neat, jacket collar always breaks up shipshapely, security personnel takes on each button to be brushed shinily, buckle closely, number of the security personnel before the bosom also fine dirt is not caught, jacket is spell able and agile the ground bundle into trousers, never messy.


Through security personnel room, I often see Uncle Wei, inside that is sitting up, figure the middleaged person with big and tall, dark skin is him. If somebody needs to help, his demur does not say, before going up with respect to meeting enthusiasm. Unlike is other security personnel, see Uncle Wei smoking and prattle rarely, he likes to practice calligraphy and read a newspaper at ordinary times, live a kind of not seek fame and wealth and live contentedly.

经过保安室,我经常看到韦叔叔,里面那个端坐着,身材魁梧、皮肤黝黑的中年人就是他。如果有人需要帮助,他二话不说,就会热情上前。不像其他保安,很少见韦叔叔吸烟和闲聊,他平时喜欢练字和读报,过着一种淡泊而充实的生活。「 wWW.ZuoWENBA.Net 」

One day in the evening, I take a walk in the village. Late wind is cool and refreshing, the month envelops the earth like the fine gauze, nearby faint transmit light music sound. Abide sound and go, see there are two people to jumping on village lawn companionship dance. Approach to look, it is Uncle Wei and upstairs Liu elder sister unexpectedly!


Uncle Wei wears business suit of a fine linen, leather shoes is brushed shinily, making exquisite tie, very straight business suit makes he looks more spell able, smooth add easy and cheesy. Flow between hill like babbling spring drip, le Sheng rings lightly, heel of pace of Wei father's younger brother chooses the ground gently, the dragonfly that sweeps past water is general, stroked gently in that way, shoe needle is opening the floor, different left and right sides is drawing arc rightly, draw of full ground of many a circle goes out, body appearance is adept and elegant in the moonlight of …… chilly ablaze the smooth vague impression that gives a kind of mysterious rapid. The dance appearance of my exclaim Uncle Yu Wei is wonderful! Eventually, he saw me, some feel embarrassed ground simper. After making call with me, he says he is preparing to play the game of dance of a companionship in city.


Uncle Wei is really have deep love for the life, active up person! The small careless full marks on this level ground / although ordinary, also not be to having energy of a kind of contain, up the energy of develop? Upgrade is risked, one every day exposed to the sun and unripe, low-down and tenacious, resemble Uncle Wei same.


More praiseworth is, uncle Wei knows a picture, and return be drawn very marvellously. The picture subject matter of Uncle Wei is rich. His the wording and purpose of what one writes has abstruse and a long time ago blue sky, quiet and leisurely and comfortable rural village, chi Zi is handed in brightness mountain peak, the offshore …… of float brilliance gold classeses are over once come home, I am meeting by chance Uncle Wei to be in picture. He is carrying mix colors single-handed dish, there is painting brush above, help a pen up single-handed, whole person bends over completely almost in stand to go up at the palette of wall edge, the face is fast compact go up in canvas, the hand moves back and forth with different pose, …… of ceaseless fine fine Gou Miao Uncle Wei tells me, his picture is made already chose eventually through match of ” of “ beautiful China, was about to win a prize. That day, his interest is very high, what still saw him write to me is cursive, chinese ink of pen to one's heart's content is full, be like natural and smooth writing, courageous and resolute and enterprising. Look I again and again exclaim!


After be familiar with, I am particularly curious his legend experience. He tells me, in one's childhood his parents works in artistic factory, practice as a child so, fell in love with a picture. Got married later, to make money, will to Shenzhen hit go all out, did dot dicker. The person arrives now middleaged, the child is big also, take the first stroke of a Chinese character, collect an interest again. You want to be less than certainly, uncle Wei the child that his Ceng Shicong catchs at Li Ke. Here, his smile with one contented and happy face. Feel glad for him really.


Before security personnel room, an old lady took one basket to dish staggers and be entered, uncle Wei puts down thread of discourse at once, trot goes, stoop waist, help the back of her stoop up single-handed, help her carry dish …… to if here enthusiasm respects property,see Wei a form of address for a man about one's father's age single-handed, and all-round, it is Zhuo Er really not group ah.


A person is OK and common, but cannot commonplace. This word is not clear before, I understood now. Uncle Wei is like the bromide like small grass so namely, but he whenever be full of flourishingly opportunity of survival, although be in barren soil personally in, also give out the green of a luxuriantly green for this world bud.

