

2022-07-04 18:12:37 初一作文 打开翻译

They probably the position is different, responsibility is different, period setting is different also, but they are the people that I am worth to admire most however.


Lei Feng, a communistic good soldier, the good example of generation person. Live as a child hardships, but he is hopeful hard, grow the liberation army soldier that is a glory, serve for people heart and soul. Clinking to party and people devotion, also be affable to the comrade-in-arms to the utmost. He always thinks others forgot him first. The help before poor people goes up is encountered on the road, oneself have what to give, none miserly, discover the comrade-in-arms does not have money to have a meal, simply oneself then the portion gave him, one comrade does not have quilt hibernate, he hesitates to send him him exclusive quilt none. Lei Feng, an extremely average person is altruistic however and consecratory helped a lot of people.作文 WwW.ZuOwENbA.NeT


It is by the side of the driveway, in the park, on Lin Yin canal, total visibility wears garment of orange yellow environmental protection to taking the aunt that broom is low head walks or uncle to a few, they are urban beautician, with oneself laborious double handgrip city is dressed up adorably unsurpassed, in the meantime, composition they are the cleaner that remove an eye to be ignored easily least of all, but they still are in,dedicating silently for this city, even if of from morning till night taking broom to-and-fro, unmanned care, nobody are cared about, but they are trying hard as before, holding to.


Spent 88 year, however get over do not have the Gu of language 87 years soundlessly without light absolutely the young woman helen keller of years, her body incomplete however annals firm, hopeful try hard again, since bring into contact with knowledge, the desire of study strengthens intense more, disregard oneself deformity to also want hard to learn knowledge, seem can hold back her to learn strong desire of knowledge without what difficulty, even if the eye cannot see, ear does not listen, also want hard to try to create a miracle, final she proved with the action, a disabled also can be taken an examination of with perfect person attend haing Buddha college.


Like there still is a lot of to resemble them on the world sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others, silent annals of incomplete of consecratory, body firm, the person of the heart that having an a newborn baby.


They are the people that I am worth to admire most, it is the example that we learn.

