

2022-07-01 22:05:39 初一作文 打开翻译

On September 1, 1938, de Jun “ shines attack ” Poland, the Second World War is comprehensive start shooting. Be less than a year of time, country of great majority of Western Europe churchyard falls into enemy hands.


In the flames of war of reaching the sky, the countless person that object the authoritarian, justice that has deep love for peace got of fascist extremely cruel destroy. In the concentration camp with environmental abominable extreme, they are forced to have the work of bear of distant preterhuman style, and food supply is not worth badly. Everyday many person can'ts bear heavy burden ground in bloodcurdling concentration camp gone, and what some people are enduring body and spirit to go up is multiple destroy, all the time when a day that when be liberated. But when returning excellent country, they already with when leaving, be like two different people ……

连天的战火中,无数反对独裁、热爱和平的正义者受到了法西斯惨绝人寰的摧残。在环境极端恶劣的集中营里,他们被强迫进行远超人体负荷的劳动,而且食物供给严重不足。每天有数以百计的人在恐怖的集中营里不堪重负地死去,而有的人则经受着肉体与精神上的多重摧残,一直等到被解放的那一天。但在回到家乡的时候,他们已经与离开时判若两人……作文 WwW.ZuOwENbA.NeT

This piece of thought-provoking photograph place appears, it is arms of sergeant of the heart in World War II is forced to gather the setting that watchs concentration camp video tape. Right, each person that be present, in the soldier that Nazi is on battlefield. But we very see clearly, what show on their face, not be the sort of frenzied guffaw that we imagine and the expression that the sort of taking pleasure in other's misfortune, and rather, more people with face of hand attack by surprise, do not wish to face that filthy crime of the expression on screen; What show in their eye is bitterness, sympathetic expression, be the very cruel violence that makes to oneself ranking place even abhor ……


Be, even if fascist taxi arms, they also are people. Who knows how to many there is in them is to be forced to leave home town and family member, the composition motive of the head injustice that understands far from for oneself to battlefield and fight with life? Their backside has friend, parents, children and grandchildren, they give their blood on battlefield, perhaps be to can return their bosom one day only in. We ever heard what the soldiers that those committing all manners of crimes commit each is monstrous crime, they rip the baby that just was born animatedly two paragraphs, undertaking on square always unending kill, the life more …… that ends from whose at hand than going all out even but they are minority only after all. Tens of 10 thousand, in the army of millions, perhaps have hundreds of such officer, soldiers; But more soldiers know he are to be in far from even why person, why purpose and battle. They still are maintaining beautiful in that way spirit, the face of die tragicly attack by surprise that can be countless brethrens cries, the end —— that can be a war even if fail and end —— and cheer of the motherland with oneself caper, applause for peaceful arrival. In brutal world war, they also are innocent victims actually.


But had turned will the head want nowadays we? Whether do we go up to seldom count harsh action of the person because of the history only, and all kind-hearted common people in the country that is hostile to them, be hostile to their whole motherland, be hostile to their historical culture; Whether we atttack the children of muddled ignorance with treating the utterance of first class war criminal, the Everyman …… that with each evil-minded curse atttacks have not of several ten million to commit any mistake perhaps we all the time the acknowledge since and behavior are off base, perhaps we should to them really apology ……

