

2022-06-29 07:26:30 初一作文 打开翻译

Hello, everybody is good, I recommend a book today, saw this name you knew, the book that it is famed whole nation " camel auspicious child " .


" camel auspicious child " the author often is abandoned, yuan Mingshu Qing Chun, the word is abandoned grant, he is known as ” of “ people artist. Often abandon lifetime assiduous pen is agrarian, create very abundant, drew up a lot of composing, for example: " 4 worlds are the same as hall " " cafes " " go to market " " feline city is written down " " Niu Tianci is passed " etc.

《骆驼祥子》作者老舍,原名舒庆春,字舍予,他被誉为“人民艺术家”。老舍一生勤奋笔耕,创作甚丰,写出了许多著作,例如:《四世同堂》《茶馆》《赶集》《猫城记》《牛天赐传》等等。出自 wwW.zuoWEnBA.nEt

Auspicious child, a capital pulls the wagoner of the car, he does not have his car, he to buy a car, the province feeds frugal to use. His assemble very long, eventually collect became enough 100 yuan, he used 96 yuan to buy a rickshaw that belongs to his immediately.


Proper auspicious child want the following when can relying on to pull rickshaw to go up to live happily too, sad thing happened again. Auspicious child in sending a composition the customer, be commonned soldier people discovery, the car is commonned soldier people reaved, the person also is commonned soldier people closed to rise. However auspicious child very lucky, escaped, and return conveniently pulled 3 camels. Auspicious child think, hope these 3 camels can sell a good price, earn what lose recently come back. But he sold 30 yuan only, auspicious child the hope begins undone. Auspicious child in seeing a car, encountered the most important person — Hu Niu of his lifetime, hu Niu is right auspicious child fall in love at first sight, she is helped auspicious child bought a rickshaw again, the family is very happy, dan Huniu is in however for auspicious child when giving birth to the child, die because of difficult labor, auspicious child broke down.


Again later, auspicious child desire undone, auspicious child begin to degenerate, go whoring, drink, drug taking, last step by step trend death …… .


How miserable final result, this is " camel auspicious child " .

