

2022-06-19 01:22:21 初一作文 打开翻译

It is sunset, sun heavily is concealed between the valley again, rouse bird, the bird flies to faintly blaze.


Fly to quite a while, hear the music that lets a person feel warm indistinctly, su Diao is open-eyed a little while, fly to the listen respectfully on branch, but rained.


That rouses the person of musical instrument, not be others, be uncle tooth.


“ clang ——” preciouses jade suddenly a string on musical instrument was broken, uncle tooth height 7 dimension, the face is like Guan Yu, the lip is like grease, double buccal red is white, towel of fresh and green black silk ribbon often is worn go up at the head, have quite Confucianism elegant flavour, uncle tooth heart thinks: Is it possible that does somebody listen do I play musical instrument? Let a person search this to listen to the person of music then. Differ meeting, a young woodsman came, he is Zhong Zi period, see eye of his Dan Feng only, lie silkworm eyebrow, height 9 feet, facial features is impressive, somewhat be hungry color. Uncle tooth is right Zhong Zi period says: “ my play you can be understood? ” Zhong Zi period say: Is what you play “ recall of the four seasons? ” uncle tooth feels stunned and excitement immediately, the treat sb with courtesy on the horse, uncle tooth says again: “ Zhong Jieji is it possible that still know musical instrument to manage? ” Zhong Zi period say: “ which dare which dare, know a little about also. ” uncle tooth asks about him all sorts of composition and musical instrument, zhongdou speaks with fervor and assurance, never talk irresponsible. Two people exceed a seize a chance to seek private gain a little more, uncle tooth feels this person is not average, “ I play to the gentleman, see a gentleman what can this hear from me? Relieve oneself of ” uncle tooth censes, dial gently move a string to come.作文吧 WWW.zuOwEnBa.Net


Right now, the mirage inside the boat is misty, be like elfland quite. When uncle tooth begins to play musical instrument, heart annals is in distant Dong Yuetai hill, zhong Zi period listened to as if to be in grand extensive personally grand, the cloud-kissing, Mount Taishan that enters the sky nearly, often can have strange pine, the heterogeneous in emerald green Bai Zaiji, zhong Zi period says: “ you are this clever really one! Like lofty and boundless Mount Taishan ……” thought of to write a composition again between uncle tooth moment the Yellow River the Yangtse River of billowy, expression of Zhong Zi period installs peaceful, enjoyment feeling emerges mind, he ased if to see the Yellow River the Yangtse River of billowy again, if chant of dragon of roars of a tiger is general exciting, overwhelm …… Zhong Zi period say: How “ is fascinating! That music like billowy cataract pointed to Yellow River the Yangtse River to wait for name plain great river unexpectedly, you are the world as expected the first, clever, be clever! ” uncle tooth cried excitedly, a few very long uncle tooth discovered bosom friend! He walks along China earth to was not searched bosom friend, encountered here eventually today, two people knot is bosom friend, free talks about one night. After dawn, next year of two people agreement is in see.


Fall wood neighs is deadwood defeats a leaf, running water is muddy it is …… of clay sand and dust


“ child period! Child period! ” uncle tooth is crying, was tied not carefully by a stone one foot, drop to the front of a stone, fair land is writing above: “ Zhong Zi period grave ” a few big character, uncle tooth is a bit open-eyed with spellbound, but differ meeting uncle tooth says in a low voice: “ child period, child period be you? ” at this moment a person says: “ he ah, because money cure is done not have after catch a disease, died ” . “ died! Died! Died these a few words resemble ——” in the head that is gotten into uncle tooth like the poisonous insect, he ases if in the heart, anguish sheds tears, begin to be stroked gently precious jade musical instrument, right now clearly of past of one act act is in eye, bosom friend is far however went ……


A cease, uncle tooth is in saw treasure knife aside, unexpectedly precious jade musical instrument is chopped two half, big growl: The bosom friend on “ world is equal to without ” ! Defeat musical instrument then absolutely bowstring, genuflect is over there, cry bitterly sob full a day of ……


The following day, uncle tooth with hair dishevelled, left this once dream passes, once the place that disappointment crosses. Watch sb go away of that old person after uncle tooth leaves, a poem since chant: Expensive system of bright moon building leans alone, wine enters sadness, change lovesickness tear ……

