

2022-06-16 15:00:14 初一作文 打开翻译

Someone always sighs that time is like a white horse passing through the gap, just fleeting


there are always people who are immersed in past stories and can't extricate themselves and waste their time


on the mall of the community, there are always twos and threes of old people lying on the couch, squinting slightly, enjoying the feeling of the sun shining on them, and enjoying the last few days of life. I was very curious, so I asked. They just said faintly:“ Cherish the present time”

在小区的林荫道上,总会有三三两两的老人,躺在躺椅上,微眯着眼,享受着阳光洒在身上那种细碎而柔软的感觉,享受生命最后为数不多的时光,我很好奇,便去问。他们只是淡淡地说:“珍惜现在的时光。”作文网 zUOwEnBa.Net

but my grandmother is not like this. She is optimistic and cheerful. When she has nothing to do, she likes to do something for her neighbors and friends. I'm always busy. She smiled and said,“ When people are old, they must have a wonderful life to live up to the rest of the time”


only the old people who have gone through the vicissitudes of the world can understand two different lives but for the same purpose! I also know that the past is precious, with your witness of transformation again and again; Now we need to cherish and cherish our time every day


I love the Osmanthus fragrans forest filled with autumn, the home that accompanies me when I grow up, and everything around me, so I love the youth I am having. Some people say that they have been busy for a while and should have a rest, so they do nothing at home. I think every day should be meaningful, not too wonderful, but also full and happy


do you notice the beauty in life


Life, twelve leaves with defects and lines rotate slowly. Look, maybe you're correcting your desk or smiling in the wind. Every moment of your life is the most beautiful. The beauty of life is so much, do you still feel your time as bleak as coal? When coal is burning, it will also burst out amazing sparks? It burns its own life. Although it is only a flash in the pan, it has lived its own meaning and realized its own value. This alone is enough


some people say that time is short, but everything has changed between fingers. I just want to say: enough. The reason why life is short is that we hope to create more wonderful things with our short life


time is too short and we are too slow. All I want to do is love my time now

