

2022-06-04 14:18:03 初一作文 打开翻译

I love rain during springtime, rain of its unlike summer in that way imposing manner is billowy, unlike autumn rain is continuous in that way and ceaseless, unlike winter rain is cold in that way and biting, it always is gentle.


No less than of rain during springtime " Chun Yexi rain " in “ slips into night along with wind, benefit other people is fine silence of breathed ” general quiet.


This day of early morning, in the sky a white, resembled be being obscured by a white gauze cloudless day, I am writing line of business in the home. Raise a head suddenly, fix eyes on looks, rained! Raindrop waves slowly from inside the sky fall, the person that resemble an elegant ballet. Her figure is thin and small, informal whiff is curved inclined body. Rain during springtime resembles an elf, slowly, fall on the ground slowly. Petty raindrop is very elegant, resemble each note. See here, I can'ted help thinking of vernal charactizing a fine spring day, that one be like fire redly, of pink be like glow, be like snow in vain, be like golden flower yellowly, can be those who endured rain during springtime is moist oh!


Rain during springtime still sads silence ground waves falling, resembling is countless silkworm those who spit is argent and lacy, ten million filament ripples in in the air, altruistic composition ground is moist everythings on earth. Pluvial silk is very fine, very continous, resemble the catkin when spring, let a person shine at the moment, can't help gasping in admiration in succession.


An adage calls “ rain during springtime the expensive ” that be like oil, be, the arrival of a rain during springtime let everythings on earth fill lease of life. Look! Small grass is drinking the pluvial juice of rain during springtime, glittering and translucent get rid of shows that water, resemble an immaculate gem is glisten below sunshine, it is too many beautiful things really! The arrival of a rain during springtime, air becomes pure and fresh a lot of, I am hearing the breath of nature, true relaxed and happy making a person!


The ablution of a rain during springtime, everythings on earth grows so that have lease of life more, more healthy and strong. Rain during springtime asperses afield to go up, let field have energy more. It is aspersed on the meadow, make a meadow more dark green. It is aspersed on flower, make flower more bright-coloured. It is aspersed in the heart of our everybody, the heart that lets us is caressed, the heart that lets us is more pure. Ah! Your person accompanies each other fondly, be like crazy like drunk rain during springtime!


I love rain during springtime! I love its grace, love its gentleness, love it to bring everything my, ah! Beautiful rain during springtime!

