

2022-04-30 19:00:12 初一作文 打开翻译

Changjiang Delta —— this is an extremely beautiful name, speak of Changjiang Delta, extend is ancient changeless is Bai Qiang black tile and the Changjiang Delta that have local color extremely are fastfood. Every season has no less than one day the most bright and clear and comfortable same, in my heart, changjiang Delta is the best place —— this is situation of so called country stop.


This is a wash that is full of intelligence of animals, thick Chinese ink, weak pen interweaves and become. The land of white yellow is moistly, resembling was to just issued a rain. One pace one scene, one pace is monochromatic, one pace one form, one pace one condition.


Moving back and forth at the air between building wadi also is to cool right now of cold, major house rises with stone and wood base here, be in in the river of historical misty rain after catharsis, they even more appear young, there is a listless flavour in air, stream dripped the river water of chiliad, be like a tender long arm, take the history future, river water animate, river water had the spirit; Singing river water a song, river water had the air of the song; Write river water into a poem, river water had the lasting appeal of composition poem, draw river water into a picture, river water had the marrow of the picture!


If you became hungry, can need not anxious. Look, corner has store of a breakfast in front, the congee over there is thick stiff Qing Dynasty is sweet, scamper gets golden deep-fried twisted dough sticks outside fragile inside crisp, still have flat bread, above besprent sesame seed, stuffing makings also abounds diversity, have meat stuffing, pickles stuffing, the …… that still has white sugar stuffing what? Don't you like? That goes forth again, there is to sell bean curd the flower in front, the bean curd with snow-white boiling hot is irrigated on thick stiff soup juice, scattering a chopped green onion, aroma immediately tangy and come, here also sells deep-fried twisted dough sticks, can compare nevertheless in front that one much more inferior, suit to cut off put Shang Li, carry delicacy. Here still has soya-bean milk, soya-bean milk is ground now, of white sugar to the limit of one's capacity more or less can decide with the taste that occupies deadbeat, few meeting discovers soya-bean milk broken bits in soya-bean milk, use up appetite, the entrance is mellow sweet.


Everything here is good note, people points to with fine fine jade, spiccato the song that gives best beauty. My love to Changjiang Delta, it is country situation stop.

