

2022-04-08 01:23:29 初一作文 打开翻译

Setbacks are Zou Ying's confidence in flying again and again; Frustration is the challenge that Bo Gongying faces to take off again and again; Frustration is the test of falling leaves facing withering again and again. Setback, it gives me hope, gives me confidence, makes me change the color of setback and climb the peak of ideal


the young eagle does not give up the opportunity to soar in the sky, because it wants to fly to the ideal peak. Behind every successful person, there is a dark cloud that hides the hope in their hearts, but they stick to it because they believe that a rainbow in the distance is waiting for them

雏鹰它不放弃翱翔于天际的机会,因为它想飞向理想的高峰。每一个成功的人的背后,都有一道乌云遮住了他们心中的希望,但是,他们却坚持了下来,因为他们相信远方的一道彩虹正在等待着他们。( 作文网 wWW.zUowEnBA.neT )

this dark cloud is frustration, and this rainbow is change


when the green grass withers, it will not give up, because it believes that the four seasons will change the green hope; When the flower withers, it doesn't give up, because it believes that the sun will change and give it a chance to bloom again


Yes, frustration is like a cup of strong coffee. Only by tasting carefully can we know its sweetness. Isn't life like this? When we encounter setbacks, we should not escape, but face it bravely and believe that we will change it with both hands. After the wind and rain, you will reap a blue sky and welcome you with a successful hug


once, I also encountered setbacks, but my mother's composition once said to me: don't always think about giving up in life. Because of the belief of giving up, life is like a star in the night sky, which will become dim, no longer flicker and lose its light. But if you think from another angle, you think you may succeed. You have the confidence to do well and face it with a positive attitude, then what is waiting for you in the distance will be the ideal wing


frustration is a sweet spring that moistens your lonely and urgent heart; Frustration is a firefly shining alone in the dark, giving you a little star; Frustration is the lush tree, supporting a shade, paying silently, carving the traces of years in the cycle of seasons and changing the color of frustration


frustration is that you want to have a river, but it gives you the whole sea; You want to have a flower, but it gives you the whole spring; You want to have a meteor, but it gives you the whole starry sky


setbacks are colorful flowers in March; Setbacks are the lush and vigorous vitality of youth; Frustration is the soaring seagull, which brings the hope of a sea. Change the color of frustration, your life will no longer have dark clouds, and you will harvest a rainbow in your heart


self confidence, tenacity and courage have changed the color of frustration

