

2022-04-06 13:50:57 初一作文 打开翻译

Grid jumping, rubber band jumping, hide cat and snowman are my favorite games when I was a child, including my parents and aunt. These generations have similar games, different cultural backgrounds and different lifestyles. I am after 90 and my mother is after 70, but we all have many common hobbies and fun. Of course, we have a more similar appearance


mother is talkative. She will have her own ideas about everything, and there will be endless topics with her. What she says most is her childhood&hellip…


my mother's generation didn't go to kindergarten in their childhood. It's strange that although they lack several years of preschool education, they are not inferior to us in all aspects. When they were young, most of them were left unattended at home and ran wild by themselves. Places where adults work: fields, mountains and grasslands, their own vegetable gardens and warehouses&hellip… Have become a place for them to release their happiness


when I was a child, my mother often wore old clothes worn by my brothers and sisters, or a small cloth shirt sewn by my grandmother. At that time, children were more naive and naughty. They played snowball fights and hide and seek games until junior high school. I don't know what fashion is, and I don't know what famous brands are. I just know that I'm happy to eat, wear warm clothes and have fun. I'll be happy if I don't get beaten at home


at that time, grandma's family was very poor. Like most families, her mother's hospitality had emerged in her childhood. As soon as he had a holiday, he would take his classmates home to do their homework and play together&hellip… She made a mess at home. Grandma always kept cleaning up in her busy schedule. She was so angry that she simply locked the door and didn't let her in


once, my mother was hungry with her friends outside. She ran home and gave all the steamed bread to her friends and ate all the family's dinner. At that time, every family was short of food and clothing. There was no way. At night, the whole family had to go hungry. Of course, my mother was no exception. She still remembers this thing


when mom talks about her past, it seems that it is not only the pain, but also the happiness of childhood in difficult times. It is really difficult for children of our generation to understand this


we are the masters of this century after 1990. What we like most is the computer. We can sit in front of the computer and play all kinds of games every day. We can also talk with our classmates without leaving home and consult a lot of information. The computer brings us infinite happiness


but it also brings us a lot of trouble. Of course, healthy and green things on the Internet are of great benefit to our healthy growth, but those unhealthy and even yellow things also damage the hearts of our ignorant children from time to time. We have more responsibility to learn to distinguish right from wrong and discard dross since childhood


when I was young, I lived in Beijing with my parents. My family was not rich, but my mother always met all my little wishes. At that time, I liked KFC and McDonald's best. In fact, I didn't like its taste. I just missed the environment and atmosphere there. Now I taste it carefully. It's still more delicious and delicious in my hometown


now my parents and I live happily every day, have endless words every day, and often talk about some adult topics. Maybe I really grow up, and my mother doesn't treat me as a child. It seems that we have become friends and often exchange ideas like friends. We still play poker and games together in our spare time. I'm good at teaching my mother computer knowledge. We learn from each other, but more of me regard my mother as my good teacher and friend


Mother's face is often filled with a happy smile, which also infects me and, of course, her friends. She often says,“ What is happiness? It's not because you get more, but because you get less; Don't always think about what others give you. Remember what we have to do for others” My mother is very happy, and I am also very happy. I want to laugh like my mother. I also want to ignore too much and use my happiness to infect my classmates and friends around me. I want to learn to cherish family affection and attach importance to friendship

