

2022-11-30 13:47:22 写景作文 打开翻译

The autumn in campus, celestial resembling sea is same azure blue, seem to pass with autumn rain rinse.


Those who enter the school maple Lin Wan, do not have a few paces, we see lantana of one large crowd. This clump flower leaves very exuberantly, so big flower bed " hold " . You look! These spent some all to leave, resemble the girl of a natural and graceful; Some is in bud, growing slowly, await an opportunity to blossom; Some opened an in part only, resembling is the world that surveying this beauty cautiously. Look! Dispersing inside a big flower ten floret, they " embrace " together, be in like the best friend on a flock of worlds chat! These floret still have different color: A flock of floret among are flaxen, fizzle out flourishingly; Two floret is orange outside, orange is gotten bright-coloured; Circuit is Mei red outside, red delicate. This can'ts help letting me remember line: "Lantana beautiful Xie Bifang, orange color of pink of weak violet bright red is yellow. Orange color of pink of weak violet bright red is yellow..


I crouch, collect was heard in the past, I imagine this flower unlike medium aroma is tangy. Although it is not sweet, action but not small, have clear heat, relieve internal heat or fever, stop urticant, acetanilide effect. Maple inside Lin Wan, lantana Dong Yicong, on the west one clump, added many color to the school.


Maple inside Lin Wan, besides lantana, still have other various plants, the ginkgo tree that for instance can calls activation stone, wave sweet 10 lis sweet-scented osmanthus tree.


In our campus, nowhere is not in beautiful scenery, I like the autumn, I prefer the autumn of campus!

