

2022-08-26 21:45:17 四年级作文 打开翻译

Write down so that have a year of winter vacation, I am seeing me like most " fight Luo Daliu " .


What I am looking is happy, there was a hand to take away a remote controller secretly from the back, my nab that hand, shake accuse implement grabbed come over, just discover the old Mom that is me actually. I shake accuse implement put at the same time, I block old Mom at the back of me all the time, abrupt TV crack became the voice that should fight, I looked round at once, it is me so old father changes TV into him what like most to fight piece " one sword horizontal stroke is empty " . I and old Mom saw the past rushs like the rocket hit into posse, father full marks / run to call “ to help at the same time at the same time! Then old Mom asks ” : Does “ shake that accuse implement hand over come? ” my pa cries: “ not, won't hand over absolutely come. I follow ” at the back of my mom to say: “ is good put winter vacation not easily cannot I watch TV a little while. Suddenly old father stopped ” to say: “ is right, I am dry should contend for with my son. ” my mom replies: “ is right, I agree. ” then father gave me the remote controller, I am pressed happily answered " fight Luo Daliu " .作文 WwW.ZuOwENbA.NeT


You see this thing how unforgettable, how interesting! Up to now, I return clearly to be in look!

