

2022-08-10 13:07:02 三年级作文 打开翻译

The morning with a beautiful spring scenery, the teacher is taking us to go arboretum.


We take an entrance door, a flower is sweet tangy and come, see ability know, so here is peony garden. The beautiful some here is like fire redly, some resembles snow in vain, those who return some pink resemble glow. These flowers some stretched smiling face, some hides bashfully below leaf, some still is in breathe out breathe out to sleep greatly! The petaline layer cascade of peony is folded, number is incomputable also, I can'ted help remembering “ of a poem only scene of peony true country, the flower opens season to use a capital. ”

我们一进大门,一股花香扑鼻而来,一看才知道,原来这里是牡丹园。这儿的花有的红的似火,有的白的像雪,还有的粉的像霞。这些花儿有的张开了笑脸,有的害羞的躲在了叶子下,有的还在呼呼大睡呢!牡丹的花瓣层层叠叠,数也数不清,我不禁想起了一句诗“唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城。”[ 作文吧 ZUowEnbA.Net ]

Had crossed a mountain, we come to 9 bridges. Composition / a lot of people are feeding a fish, throw those who eat in water, and fish? Resemble a flier is euqally rapid the ground swims, ground of strive to be the first is being grabbed, who doesn't let.


Going along alley, we come to garden of green jade peach. The beautiful posse here is round, tuft forms a cluster, and still wave everywhere sweet.


Imperceptible, arrived artificial lake. Lake bank a lot of grotesque stone, if you go tired, still can sit, edge appreciation rests by the side of beautiful scenery. You see lake face resemble issueing same bits and pieces of ” of “ catkin rain, bespread whole lake face. Wind whiff, surface is knitting eyebrow angrily, really lovely.


We come to oriental cherry garden finally. Wind whiff oriental cherry fell down, resembling on insight only is the carpet that spread a pink. We catch a flower first, throw leaf at a draught next God, be just as day of female loose cotton, the station enjoys this to spend the sea well over. This is much more interesting!


I love this spring outing.

