

2022-05-08 08:11:10 三年级作文 打开翻译

Our home raised 4 tortoises, one that when listen to father to say “ is born in me year they are in my home. ” they are very lovely.


They are having fine fine tail, spinous head shrinks in old shell, the eye of sesame seed size, particularly bright, the case that still has palm yellow is lapping whole body, particularly hard, pitch-black little hand sufferred fright to always shrink rise.


Often grow what extend the neck when they are hungry, expect can somebody gives them food, every 34 days I eat to them with respect to the food that feed a dot, small tortoise loves to eat sliced meat most, mom cuts the flesh a small a small put in salver, bit of water is added in past basin again, I use clip them many a from flood Chi Ga arrives in salver, their wolf swallows tiger composition pharynx eating, not a little while cutlet complete dispose of, I do what wash on every tortoise body clean, in putting them into flood pool again, look at them to swimming footloosely, I feel they are very happy! I compose unlike every day even course of study, father says they live to still do not consider joy free so, truly free joy should be to be in clear in the river water that sees an end, why do I ask father that does not put them into the river? “ father says river water pollution is very serious outside now, if be put into river water, the ” that they can be died by sewage choke thinks those who have pity on to that returns pretty in my heart, still let them stay in our home!作文网 ZuoWenBa.Net


We cannot litter, did not pollute an environment, do a civilized good child.

