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黄帝陵导游词 篇1

中华民族历史悠久,光辉灿烂,有五千年的文明史。这五千年的文明史主要从黄帝开国(建国)算起。国 孙中山的祭黄帝陵词开首就是“中华开国五千年,神州轩辕自古传,创造指南车,平定蚩尤乱,世界文明,唯有我先”。

这个黄帝陵 ——天下第一陵就在延安市的黄陵县,黄帝,姓公孙,名叫轩辕,出生于母系氏族社会。母亲名叫附宝,据史书上载:“农历二月初二,在沮水河畔(今黄陵县沮水河)沮源关的降龙峡生下黄帝,从此就有了二月二龙抬头”吉祥之说。司马迁在《史记》里对黄帝是这样描写的:“生而神灵,弱而能言,幼而徇齐,长而敦敏,成而聪明”。可见,黄帝从出生到成长就不是一般人物。他15岁就被群民拥戴当上轩辕部落酋长,37岁登上天子位,黄帝一生重大贡献就在于历经五十三战,打败了榆罔,降服了炎帝,诛了榆罔,降服了炎帝,诛杀蚩,结束了战争,统一了三大部落,告别了野蛮时代,建立起世界上第一个有共主的国家,当选为中华民族第一帝。人类文明从此开始了。所以后世人都尊称轩辕黄帝是“人文初祖”、“文明之祖”。为此,延安又被称为中华民族的发祥地。

黄帝是中华民族的祖先,他出生于陕北黄土高原,黄帝族主要活动于陕北黄土高原,黄帝逝世后安葬于今黄陵县桥山之巅。自唐代宗大历五年建庙祀典以来,这里一直是历代王朝举行国家大祭的场所。新中国建立后,每年清明、重阳节均在此进行祭祀典礼,特别是清明节公祭已是中华民族传统祭祀大典。黄帝陵是中华民族圣地,海外侨胞将其誉为“东方麦加”。1962年,国务院公布其为全国第一批重点文物保护单位,编为“古墓葬第一号”,号称“天下第一陵”。黄帝陵区景色迷人,山麓有建于汉代的轩辕庙,庙东侧碑廊珍藏历代帝王御制祭文碑57通,现又新增香港、澳门“回归纪念碑”。陵、庙所在地桥山现有千年古柏816000株,是我国最大的古柏群。庙内有相传黄帝手植柏,高20余米,胸径11米,苍劲挺拔,冠盖蔽空,是我国最古老、最大的一株柏树。来源 wwW.ZUowEnbA.nET

黄帝陵导游词 篇2







黄帝陵导游词 篇3

According to legend, the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor is the mausoleumof Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese nation. It is located on the top of thebridge in the north of Huangling County. Huangdi was a great tribal leader atthe end of the primitive society in China and the ancestor of the Chinesecivilization. He used jade as weapons and made boats, bows and arrows. His wifecan raise silkworms, his historian Cangjie created characters, his ministerDatao created Ganzhi calendar, and his music officer Linglun made musicalinstruments. Later, our country can stand tall among the four ancientcivilizations in the world, which is inseparable from the extraordinary honor ofthe Yellow Emperor.

The Yellow Emperor also recorded in history his great achievement ofpunishing evil and unifying the Chinese nation for the first time. It is saidthat the Yellow Emperor lived 118 years. Once, during his tour of Henan, therewas a thunderbolt on a clear day, and a yellow dragon came down from the sky. Itsaid to the Yellow Emperor, "your mission has been completed. Please come backto heaven with me." The Yellow Emperor knew that it was hard to disobey hisdestiny, so he got on the dragon's back. When Huanglong flew over the Qiaoshanmountain in Shaanxi Province, the Yellow Emperor asked to drive down to appeasehis subjects. Hearing the news, the people came from all directions, all crying.Under Huang Long's repeated urging, the Yellow Emperor stepped on the dragon'sback again, and people grabbed the Yellow Emperor's skirt to keep him. AfterHuanglong took away the Yellow Emperor, only his clothes were left. Peopleburied the Yellow Emperor's clothes in Qiaoshan and built tombs for mausoleums.This is the origin of the legendary Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. However,some people say that the Yellow Emperor was buried in Qiaoshan after hisdeath.

Huangdi mausoleum area is about 4 square kilometers, surrounded bymountains and rivers, lush trees. When visitors arrive at the top of Qiaoshanmountain, they first see a stone tablet standing on the road, engraved with theinscription "all civil and military officials dismount here". There is amemorial Pavilion in front of the mausoleum. In the center of the pavilionstands a large stone tablet with three characters of "mausoleum of the YellowEmperor". There is another stone tablet behind the pavilion, which reads "LongYu in Qiaoshan". Then there is the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. Huangdimausoleum is located in the middle of the top of the mountain, facing the south.The mausoleum is about 4 meters high and 50 meters long. There is a 20 meterhigh platform 40 meters in front of the mausoleum, and a stone tablet next to itreads "Hanwu Xiantai". This platform was built in 120__ B.C. when Emperor Wu ofHan Dynasty Liu Che returned from his tour to Shuofang to pay homage to EmperorHuang and pray for immortals and gods.

There are some buildings, ancient cypresses and stone tablets in Xuanyuantemple under Huangling mausoleum. Stepping into the temple gate, there is a hugecypress tree on the left. It is said that the cypress was planted by the YellowEmperor himself, so it is called "the cypress planted by the Yellow Emperor". Ithas a history of more than 4000 years. There is a hall and a stele Pavilion inthe north of the temple gate. There are 47 steles in the stele Pavilion. In thenorth lies the main hall, in front of which there is a tall ancient cypresscalled "guajia cypress". It is said that this was caused by Emperor Wu of theHan Dynasty's Gilded armor. The hall is majestic and magnificent, with a fourcharacter plaque of "the ancestor of humanity" hanging on the forehead. In themiddle of the hall is the magnificent tablet of the Yellow Emperor, and thereare some exhibits under the walls around it.
