

2023-02-04 19:56:59 叙事作文 打开翻译

"One, 2, 3, jump! You should take care to nod, come again, cheer! " " ' well? Is this who is talking? It is our class schoolgirl is jumping so grow a rope.


When be being held between, we begin start long string. At the beginning, a lot of people won't jump, still some of person jumps badly. But, arrived later, everybody jumps weller and weller. Can only my person also jumps anyhow bad, the rope is not dozen of my face, hit my pocket namely, very painful!


Eventually, my good friend XXX will help me. She says: "When I say to jump, you come with respect to the start on the horse, it is OK to run immediately later. " I nod, firmly remembered her word. I arrive on the horse, pop-up jumps down my heart like small like bunny, I can not want to lose face again. Listen to XXX to say at this moment: "Jump! " then, I rush ahead, but, I hear cord takes the voice of the ground, a few paces receded again on the horse. At this moment, the Xiong Song language in my back is urgent, say: "Do not want to be afraid of, my number arrives 3, you jump. " think in my heart: Even if be smoked again face, I also should jump. Hahahaha, everybody laughed. Can is this why? Did I jump obviously? Alas! Because I just jumped in place,that is just. Only XXX and ursine loose language did not laugh. XXX says aloud: "Have what absurdity! You jump for the first time when growing a rope, cannot also jump good? " immediately, did not have laugh.作文 WwW.ZuOwENbA.NeT


Although heard the word of XXX, no longer somebody jest I, but I or crestfallen ground stand to team remaining part. At this moment, ursine loose language runs for: "This also cannot blame you, it is clear that I also was not conveyed! " I think secretly: Why can others skip to go? is the motion that I make incorrect? Then, I observe carefully rise. As expected, when others skips, can pack up leg upgrade, think I am done again, the leg is straightforward like bamboo pole, I meet no wonder every time take a beating stop!


After understanding, my some too impatient to wait, be turn for me again eventually. I was sucked deeply first at a heat, see the rope shakes when rising, double leg sends power start suddenly. "Ah! " cord or the tiptoe that smoked me, but I arrived actually the across of cord, I am stupefied, I did not think of I can be jumped over really. At this moment, ursine loose language cries greatly: "Approach Zuo , what to send to be stupefied, run away at once! " I just like as if wakening from a dream, flurried ground ran away. XXX holds me in arms happily to say: "Approach Zuo , you had jumped to come eventually, I am you really glad! " do not know when, my tiptoe indolence, those who replace is happy with joy.


Run at this moment held music to ring, I stand still at once run hold formation, followed a team to run...


This I also realize gave a reason: Want hard only, again bad thing also can become plain!

