

2023-02-03 21:12:17 600字作文 打开翻译

“ rises, do not wish to do servile people, our flesh and blood, build our new Great Wall ” to accompanying high music, our Jin Qiao began of elementary school new term into team ceremony.


It is each leader appears on the stage above all, see everybody leads countenance gravity only, admire making a person, at this moment our flag-raising ceremony began, I see the Five-Star Red Flag slowly rise, with the wind flying, at this moment my mood is very excited, this is the banner of incarnadine of countless revolution martyr, it is the Chinese nation not Wei big powers, what stand up forever is indicative, the red flag is flying, strong our country power, love my China, at this moment my greatest faith must learn well namely, do a person that has contribution to the society in the future, after raise a flag ends, our collectivity teachers and students begins to sing national anthem with the most sonorous voice.


Next each leader gives old team member aglow scarf, dry what is aglow scarf, be to give what new Young Pioneer wears a little while so. It is formal team member fastens red scarf to leaders next, hand of formal team member holds red scarf in both hands, each each spirit enlivens, make what the person feels clinking gratified.


Fast screen lives breath, the most unforgettable project began, old Young Pioneer adorns to new Young Pioneer red scarf, we are striding orderly measured steps to come to new team member before, go to me when me when that lovely little boy opposite side, he is extremely proud blink to me, as if to say to me, I now also is a glorious Young Pioneer. When to him when me admire wears red scarf, I saluted to him, this team ceremony is transferring the credit to him, he also returned team gift to me, delivering us the passion to the motherland. When I am retreated, he looks at me with sturdy eyes, he ases if those who be in is right I say, I won't make you disappointed certainly. Raise when him when the right hand is grasping fist announce oath, I say silently in the heart to him, I believe you can become an outstanding Young Pioneer certainly.


This activity ended satisfactorily, whole activity let me hear the Young Pioneer's aspirations, understood we serve as the student of new generation at the same time, must learn well, for the powerful contribution force of the motherland, because our heart is medium,in loud cry “ I love your China ” .

