

2023-02-02 15:44:37 600字作文 打开翻译

Class of this class composition, high teacher lets us do stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup to taste stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup unexpectedly. This is the thing of occur for the first time really, as it happens everybody is hungry, hear have the good work such as this, who grouchy ground cries or still jumps?


Should begin to do stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup, rub of ground of my too impatient to wait begins, awaiting a teacher to carry the material that makes stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup. Did not pass how long, the teacher carried a big already the flour of become reconciled is round. Just put on the desk, everybody ground of too impatient to wait stretchs his hand go catching, good experience makes the taste of stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup. I am unwilling also give the impression of weakness, had paid one small group rapidly, put left-hand the centre of the palm, close with the right hand next, fluctuation two tactics keeps coming to its rub rub goes. Very fast, became a spherule. I see the flour group of others, also be each spherule. Why to always do spherule? Cannot do other? Is do piggy or be like duckling? I am a kick in one's gallop, the decision does a piggy. Say to do do, I am held first hold spherule, add on two spherule, immediately, the piggy of make it of a shortbread has been done. Someone else seems to also have such idea. Some holds noodle, some held cake, those who return some to follow me simply exactly like.( wWw.zuOwenBa.Net )


Arrived to cook the time of stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup, stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup people was entered please in boiler. The water in boiler boiled rise, give out the sound that murmur murmurs, stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup also sinks in water of one float, resembling is in bubble hot spring. Aside the staring at me piggy of my fix eyes on, it dropped for fear that an ear. About 5 minutes or so, stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup sends out a very pleasant fragrance, stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup is ripe, can eat. The bearing that takes money then is revealed on our face. The teacher installs stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup into a few small bowls. The piggy that I see me carefully unexpectedly in good condition nondestructive, the piggy that chooses me then will eat.


I carry the bowl before, fragrance is thicker, sesame seed smell is sweet sweet develop nose continuously in. I took chopstick clip to remove stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup of flavour of a sesame seed, mouth is bitten gently, greasy, those sesame seed with respect to gush come out, oral cavity immediately by sesame seed flavour occupational, back-to-back, it resembles a demon again like small snake, “ whizs in the took me at a draught gut of ” . I feel whole the bottom of one's heart nice and warm rises. Not a little while stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup is eaten by me entirely.


I raise a head to come, discover some people eat early, still keep licking a lip with the tongue, like the broken bits of stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup that seems not to let off a silk, I reckon they are a big one big impediment, they want to sample afresh again now that stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup tasted.


The subject that becomes stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup this to eat stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup is really interesting.

