

2023-01-27 19:29:38 优秀作文 打开翻译

In 19 centuries 20 time evening, a Chinese cries auspicious child, 20 years old or so.


Auspicious child it is the wagoner of old Beijing manpower with a young strong force, of one mind wants to depending on his to make arduous efforts, have a car that belongs to oneself, become an advanced wagoner. Through effort of 3 years, live frugaly, eventually save money became enough the rickshaw that money bought to belong to his, begin new life. Had done not have a few days, be in auspicious child when pulling a guest to go to Xizhimen, warlord is random army auspicious child car of the belt that connect a person is caught at the same place. That day in the middle of the night, auspicious child on the sly is pulling 3 exclusive camels in chaos army to escape, but he uses the rickshaw that sweat of 3 years changes to cannot come back again however. He sold 3 camels to get dot money, had “ camel from now on auspicious child the name of ” .

祥子是一个年轻力壮的老北京人力车夫,一心想凭借着自己努力奋斗,拥有一辆属于自己的车,成为一个高等车夫。经过三年的努力,省吃俭用,终于攒够了钱买了一辆属于自己的洋车,开始新生活。没过几天,在祥子拉客人去西直门的时候,军阀乱军把祥子连人带车一块儿抓走了。那天半夜,祥子偷偷地牵着乱军里唯一的三只骆驼逃去了,可他用三年的汗水换来的洋车却无法再次回来。他卖了三只骆驼得了点钱,从此便有了“骆驼祥子”之名。出自 wwW.zuoWEnBA.nEt

He was returned had stayed to get plant of support of the people of car plant —— before, continue to pull a cart. Spent period of time, he will to Mr Cao home do wagoner, mr Cao is opposite auspicious child very good, but good times don't last long, the Sun Zhen explore of sudden arrival drove away Mr Cao with the name of random party, fair-spoken still cheated auspicious child the money earned by hard toil that scrape up prepares to buy a car. He hopes again undone.


The settle on of daughter tiger girl of the miller Liu Si of person and factory auspicious child, but miller Liu Si is looked down on however auspicious child. Hu Niu try every means has been cheated father and auspicious child married, want to car plant of Liu Si can accede after the move, however by Liu Si get behind intent. He and Hu Niu broke off father daughter to concern, sold a car the plant, circumnavigation went. Hu Niu gives with his saving auspicious child bought an old car, auspicious child it is to pull a car to make money everyday as before. Because difficult labor is gone,can be Hu Niu, auspicious child handle funeral arrangement to give Hu Niu, but sold that rickshaw again.


Later, he knew neighbour small good fortune again child, small good fortune child beautiful able, he thinks add marries small good fortune originally child, but because of small good fortune child the family member is too much, economic pressure is too great, can return car plant to continue to pull a cart only.


One of these day, auspicious child the come across when pulling a cart Liu Si as form of a address for an official or rich man, sudden however after angrily rebuke Liu Si as form of a address for an official or rich man decision cheers up, go seeking small good fortune child. But he is informed small good fortune child after committing suicide because of hang oneself of life place approach, auspicious child distress unceasingly, a bit hope that cherishs is undone also. He also does not pull a cart again, mix all the day eat mix drink, lend money everywhere, accompany family parade sb through the streets for money even.


At this moment, auspicious child already middleaged, suffer old society oppress and exploit, became those who degenerate, selfish, the newborn baby of unfortunate “ society ill tyre cavity, individualistic dead end ghost. ”

