

2023-01-27 19:20:30 800字作文 打开翻译

That momently, I understood a reason.


"How do? The intensity with such heart, movement also so not standard! " " come home to drill well. " the instruction sound of street dance teacher, rebuke sound, it is all the time by the side of my ear resound. -- the dancing competition that this my diligent in an attempt to, day considers night to want, however because of insecurity, play is wrong, go no further at be being surpassed first in. My heart broke, bleeding. Why? I am not before such, I am put so that leave, can be this, however a curious coincidence will be nervous, the calm force that blames oneself is insufficient, the level is insufficient, courage is insufficient. I want to abandon, drill so again what to go down to have to use? But turn one's head all the way meandering, are those twist brave ground is crossed came over? Call me to abandon now, I am hated to part with, hate to part with the stage that leaves this one to reveal life glamour! I love this one arena.

“怎么搞的?内心如此之紧张,动作也这么不标准!”“回家好好练一下吧。”街舞老师的教诲声、训斥声,一直在我耳边回荡。——这一次我孜孜以求、日思夜想的舞蹈比赛,却因为紧张,发挥失常,止步于初赛中。我的心都碎了,在流血。为什么呢?我以往不是这样的,我都放得开的,可是这次,却鬼使神差会紧张,都怪自己的定力不够,水平不够,胆子不够啊。我想放弃,再这样练下去有什么用呢?但是回首一路迤逦,那些坎坷不都是勇敢地跨过来了吗?现在叫我放弃,我舍不得呀,舍不得离开这一个展示生命魅力的舞台啊!我爱这一个舞台。< ="">

Time had been pointed to 11 o'clock sharp, lithe and graceful movement and beautiful air are perfect be united in wedlock, downy lamplight gives out the halation that your person is intoxicated. I shut eye to brood, after-thought is worn that each dance movement, they disclose each vivid ground gradually. "When dancing, should throw not abstracted. " " orchestic is beautiful want skill not only, more important is affective investment! " the word that first time of street dance teacher says to me emerges in the brain in me again. Skill, affection, these two statements are clearer and clearer in my brain. Stretch one's legs, rotate... I am thinking carefully the motion that the teacher teachs me, begin to practice afresh.


On rehearse class, the teacher still is the face brings smile, ask me: "Let you come home to drill well yesterday the dancing of the match, do you drill well? " ground of our strive to be the first replies: "Have! " who does not want to be behaved one time well at the moment in the teacher? "Good, after waiting to attend class, you jump to me to look. " the teacher points to me, say to me. I say: "Be good! "Be good!!


Musical sound rose, I am stepping metre, extending oneself body limb. I forgot everything, feel oneself turned the leading role in the story only, rotating, extending. The face that the teacher is stretching tight closely was loosened, patted applause even: "Pretty good, those who jump quite well, have progress, continue to cheer! " the noise in acrobatics room removed an enthusiastic applause. I know, that is the companion affirmation to me and congratulation. Street dance teacher says to other classmate again: "This one word does not say to him only, also say to you, did you know? " ground of all with one voice says great master: "Knew. " then, we threw practice to rise again.


Everyday early morning, I am practicing the angle in dancing the first sunshine; Everyday crepuscular, I kiss last the setting sun in the air with wonderful listen respectfully. In the air with wonderful listen respectfully, in dancing training, it is good that I understood to want to jump orchestic gist: Only the dancing of skill does not have the soul, and the dancing that does not have skill is failure, rise skill and affection union only, ability shows a the most beautiful dance.


Swoon of the setting sun go up at horizon, the advent of the dance contest that I expect the move is new.

