

2023-01-27 00:59:01 优秀作文 打开翻译

The midterm ended, the air in the classroom is like pure and fresh a lot of. But the teacher says to want to deliver examination paper today, the air in the classroom in a moment caky. Examination paper hair arrives on Xiaoming hand, one appears 99 minutes greatly it is before, and with is the table small red? It is 100 minutes. Small red achievement is like never under pass 95 minutes, small red Xiang Xiaoming shows off say: “ is breathed out! Xiaoming, you see me is 100 minutes. Originally oneself did not take an examination of ” full marks, plus sneer at with of the desk, disturbed and indignantdisturbed and indignant is more in Xiaoming heart. He thinks: I must exceed final she.

期中考试结束了,教室里的空气都好像清新了许多。可老师一说今天要发试卷,教室里的空气霎时凝固了。试卷发到小明手上,一个大大的99分呈现在眼前,而同桌小红呢?又是100分。小红的成绩好像从没低于过95分,小红向小明炫耀说:“哈哈!小明,你看我又是100分。”本来自己就没有考到满分,再加上同桌的一番嘲讽,小明心里更是忿忿不平。他想:期末考试我一定要超过她。作文吧 WWW.zuOwEnBa.Net

Time passes really quickly, arrived in an instant final. One day that when deliver examination paper, xiaoming is very nervous, be turn for Xiaoming eventually, xiaoming is looking at him examination paper to go up initiated 100 minutes slow-witted, what the heart has a kind to be not restrained is excited. Xiaoming browsed his examination paper, discover a fault is inscribed suddenly, his heart thinks, should want to say with the teacher? If said, mother agrees me to got the gift that full marks rewards to disappear without trace, if do not say, I am not a honest child.


Finally, he resolutely resolutelyingly choice whereaboutldirection teacher is honest. He comes to the office, find a teacher, say to the teacher: Mr. “ , there is problem fault here. Mr. ” was stupefied, to Xiaoming vertical stroke removed thumb to say: “ Xiaoming, you are a honest child really, next time the parent is met, I can praise you in public certainly. Also can describe this job with your mom, the mom that lets you rewards you well. ” Xiaoming fastens Titus in the heart at that time sweet, the heart thinks: Teacher, you can let mom promise to send my gift, continue to send me? Hahaha!

