

2023-01-27 00:28:34 300字作文 打开翻译

Do you ask my where a park the view is good? I am then certain park of the hill austral meeting choosing.


Step when you south when the gate of hill park, you can see 4 big character before the door certainly: " of park of the hill austral " . , enter a gate to be able to have a pool next, the center of cistern still has an alley, you can take right side down alley, then you can see a woods, in the late evening when, here can have beautiful light, beautiful it is beautiful, but must not go in grove, I am afraid that you can be frightened. Saying, are you some feared? Do not have a thing, we will have a look at cate! Here has octopus small a round mass of food, strong-smelling preserved bean curd, barbecue to wait a moment, etc, do you want to taste very much? That kisses to look soon together with me! Left has store of small a round mass of food of a popcorn inn and octopus, right is inn of strong-smelling preserved bean curd and barbecue inn, holding left meeting to have a lot of fitness equipment, right is an alley lead to calm way, calm way can go square, the toy that there are a lot of dots to be able to play over there has swing Piao sliding board. The person that has curiosity can go the stage is street, there are a lot of other tourist attractions over there, e.g. : Na Shanqiu, chute ……


Do you like such south hill park? Welcome you to play.

