

2023-01-26 21:52:08 优秀作文 打开翻译

Elementary school went junior high school came, junior high school went high school came, high school went to an university coming, after a phases ends, new level comes again, new start, new target, new difficulty, new challenge.


Before you can say Jack Robinson, 6 years short had gone, the life of elementary school has been gone forever, but the road of the future still has a lot of, a long march of ten thousand lie just just begins. Look up at inky sky, numerous star is nodded, faint ray gives its hood a mysterious veil, imagining future, I or it is to sit in computer edge to tapping keyboard, writing a program; Or it is to take begin to write or paint to be on draft paper book of disease of act vigorously pen, dug truth; Or it is to holding one caboodle in the arms to pile ancient books, the history that reel off raw silk from cocoons pares chrysalis ground goes studying mysterious Mo Ce... my in those days general is extremely proud! To realize all these, begin from now, I should have a cause, dependable, one pace goes finishing it.作文网 zUOwEnBa.Net


First from what leave me the closest in one's deceased father begin to order, this target is very specific, that enters the before 3 old high school of Nanjing namely, enter the student of this 3 senior colonel, seem sea cleans out Sha Tao to come out. Arrived junior high school, the method of that one study of elementary school already no longer applicable, want to be adjusted in time accordingly. If want to achieve this grand goal, want in a planned way already: Squeeze a time to brush difficult problem more, unplug tall oneself. Still need to have a program: Because I am very interested in science department and computer, so I should attend this more on one hand contest, take good place. Be in a day of future, my effort won't waste, like letting me resemble Chu Ying, go receiving the rising sun tomorrow! Go embracing the dawn of the hope! Go looking into new tomorrow! Fall finally in beautiful sunshine, in azure sky, volant fly!


China in ancient time composing " Xun Zi " in have a word: "Carve and abandon, a hopeless case is not folded, work with perseverance, inscriptions but engrave. " although the dream is very ambitious, but should try hard to advance towards it only, you can arrive at terminus after all. Triumphal dawn is before your, why need not catch up with it, go enriching oneself lifetime? Look into future, future a light.

