

2023-01-19 14:47:50 优秀作文 打开翻译

On the bus, the house —— clever ” of “ bonze causes a war that does not have smoke of gunpowder, the big fight of ” of “ Wu Lin that contends for seat of the first —— .


A day of sorching summer, slowly travel is in a bus on the road that person bearer wends, in railroad car, the station is worn 67 people, place a pair of model that is about to struggle. Arrive when the car when the station, the driver sees a young person that did not take guaze mask, exert his own alone ” of result of lion of ——“ of door secret book makes youth with every second a meter speed gets off angrily.


Other past master also begins to grab a seat in railroad car, you push me to squeeze, it is “ eights saints go across the sea really —— each shows special prowess. ” listens only the ringing sound like bamboo clappers, dong of Dong of clang of Dong of “ Dong clang clangs; ” also places a condition, “ falls 18 palms, yin and yang points to dragon ……” is opened cannot hand in, still have those who pretend not to know what to produce, that is “ monkey learns to walk —— hypocritically. ” returns some thinking enemy nevertheless: “ Zhou Yu hits Huang Gai —— one wishs to hit to wish to endure. ” still has to sit on only empty place, it is “ spider pulls net —— selfishness really. His behavior caused ” public anger, it is edge of “ Yellow River washs why bother of —— of the rhizome of Chinese goldthread really. ”


In front two a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct, arrived total final, two people are orthoptic each other, inch footstep, everybody does not agree to start work first, and surround the person air of view to also dare not go out, the kongfu that fears to blink can miss an accuse and denounce at a meeting. Two people start work eventually, see both sides reachs a hand from back only, end with the means of ” of cloth of “ stone scissors. Also be in offer one's seat to sb of a grandma be the first below, those people took a place, “ helps a person after all, send Buddha to send on the west. ” but in some popular feeling lopsided, say not to come out however.


The war that does not have smoke of gunpowder was experienced on the bus, my clearly is in eye. The driver encounters mixed person everyday. These things he has minded on the bus did not blame.


Offer one's seat to sb is a kind of goodness, wait for a person to be good at sincerity, friendly affection and altruistic person are pure like water.

