

2023-01-18 23:56:32 300字作文 打开翻译

In our life, have a lot of model that are worth us to learn: The environmental sanitation worker of arduous labor; The firemen of sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others, the constabulary uncle of brave justice; The gallant soldier …… of face death unflinchingly and 2020 the Bai Yi angel in forefront rushs when epidemic situation, it is the example in my heart.


2020, virus of a new coronal inbreaks and come, endangering our life, extremely strong contagion force caused exceeding panic to us, brave white garment angel and virus close quarters are contacted, make a fight with them, they ignore their safety and danger, courageously forward, protecting us. And we can stay in the home only, get online seriously class, pray silently also at the same time they can defeat virus at an early date, return in safety! They abandon their life safety, unflinching spirit is deep before danger moved I, they are the good example that I learn.


After experiencing this information about and appraisal of an epidemic, make me right doctor this profession more admire, I also should learn well later, go all out to become strong, try hard assiduously, like growing gist to do to resemble white garment angel, do contributive person for the country, cheer!

