

2023-01-18 20:16:57 300字作文 打开翻译

Today is on Sunday, after eating lunch midday, I agreed with young associate, play game to the courtyard.


I follow young associate people say: “ today, we play cat of — of a new play to catch mouse together, one individual ump, a person is become cat, the person of the others is become mice, but mice should have 3 at least. ” is companionate people cheer instantly: “ is too good, did not play this game for ages. ”


The judgment times aside, the triumphal condition of “ cat ” is to want to catch ” of all “ mice inside formulary time. The victory of “ mice ” is be in and ” of mice of a “ assures to also be not caught in the time like “ cat ” . Attention: Time length is by “ mice ” more or less will set.


Game began, I am “ mice ” , bad, “ cat ” discovers me, should catch me on horse of “ cat ” when, “ bang! ”“ cat ” threw a big fall. At this moment “ mice ” people laughed. ” of mice of a “ is laughing to skip from the ground, “ of true it may be said skips 3 feet tall ” , ” of another “ mice laughs continuously not to have a small of the back.


Hahahaha, you are guessed is who won, it is “ mice ” of course people won. Come home when me when having a meal, I had 3 bowls of big rice, be too hungry really.


This is happy game really!

