

2023-01-18 16:39:50 300字作文 打开翻译

Today, sunshine is beautiful, cloudless, I go to a park playing. Playing, I see there is in bush a colourful floret, I think: How gemmiparous are these floret? Then, I think I am planted with one's own hands a floret. I ran to speak of this thing with father, father listened to laughing to say: “ my horse goes up to buy beautiful seed! I listened to ” to skip gladly 3 rule are high.


Crossed father 5 minutes redemptive a melon seeds, I say: How may “ melon seeds plant a flower to come? ” father says: You do not want “ too anxious, there can be your work to use after this small melon seeds is grown! I say ” : What effect does “ have? ” father says: When waiting for you to plant it into floret, “ tells you again. I ask ” again: How is “ planted it ah! ” father says: You want “ to water it everyday only, it can be brought up. ” I ran in the room to look for a flowerpot, in flowerpot replete clay, I put in small melon seeds cautiously, next I water it everyday. Passed a few days, small melon seeds was brought up. I am extremely glad, did swiftly run to ask father what effect helianthus has downstairs? Father says: The action of “ helianthus is it has a lot of delicate small melon seed. ”


such I learned to plant a flower.

