

2023-01-18 14:30:06 优秀作文 打开翻译

These days, as a result of the reason of epidemic situation, I must stay in the home to see book study. Too dull! Then mom bought to me on the net happy tall. This happy tall to it before different, difficulty is greater also. Express arrived, ground of my too impatient to wait ravels pack, see only have a manual, imprinting on cover (a piece / ) the picture of the car model that cruel dazzles. This car dishy! If I also can go all out give it, much better! Then I prepare one day to go all out.


But when I open a manual, I was stupefied: 200 much paces! Go all out before me happy had never spelled so much condition high. And ravel when the spare parts is wrapped, I am to turn pale with fright more: Light is pitman 97. Do not cross me or had distributed the part kind, by the clew that illuminates a manual one pace ground went all out to rise.


10 paces, 20 paces …… arrives when 48 paces, I discover the measure on I and manual is abhorrent. The gear mount soft rod that says to want a key on the book, but the groove that soft rod did not receive on my gear. I translate the manual forth hastily page. It is gear model differs so, detail decides success or failure. This has fallen, I must be torn open completely to it, ability changes the gear of correct model. I say angrily: How does “ this thing go all out so hard? Calculated did not go all out. ” mom hears me to say this word, the gravity that changes immediately rises, ground of sincere words and earnest wishes says: Do you just encounter “ this a little bit didn't the setback work? This happy high structure is complex go all out harder, mom wants to foster your attentive, patience and perseverance namely. I understood ” it seems that some of what. Is “ gear different? You ravelled it, change a reload, did not go? There are a lot of setbacks on the road of life later, you should defeat them, is not to let them defeat you. More what is more,the rather that yourself makes a mistake, you cannot get angry to just be opposite more. ” hears this word, I think again, right! I am picked up afresh had hope. Must happy this do high calm.


Hold to, hold to! Overcome difficulty! 180 paces, 190 paces, 200 paces ……


The car that the eye looked at it to become to go up with manual cover gradually from a motherboard exactly like model, titus is fastened in the heart glad. After going all out, I still discover I knew again a lot of: You can encounter “ a lot of setbacks, you should defeat them, is not to let them defeat you. ”

