

2023-01-17 18:32:41 优秀作文 打开翻译

In the life, each thing of place happening has different sense, if consider carefully, get a few inspiration not hard. On Monday afternoon, it is the mass organizations course that we like most. When finishing class, I run to the small shop that looked forward to a class hastily, chose a lot of a lot of snacks to pay cash, preparing to hurried back go attending class.


Taking small shop entrance, discover the money in pocket of a girl was dropped, as it happens is dropped was in by the side of my foot, artfuller is all round do not have a person again. I looked around all around hind indecisive still: “ am I be collect or collected? That girl has walked along ” far, estimation can discover partly temporarily. I feel I collect it may not be a bad idea first, can buy bit of snacks to satisfy a craving for delicious food more. Can be the money of others then, if was known by others much shier! If be not collected,have some of not reconciled to again.


Just when I hesitated a long time, see only go from the shop a boy, he hesitated, also saw the fund on the ground it seems that. “ well. Rich. ” boy is alarmed and happy, did not think, collected at once rise taking ran rapidly, for fear that is discovered by others. He does not know probably, somebody discovered purse before him, and be in be this thing be anxious.


I am stupefied in that a long time, feel very compunctious again, the person that ases if to take away purse then is him. Fact I am wrong also. If I just do not have hesitant word, so I still can give that girl money, is not to let just that schoolboy is collected. And, I feel oneself this just that idea is this introspection. The money that that boy drops others is collected, he is being distained in my heart, and are oneself also as that schoolboy? We are not the benefits that considering our only, take no account of the feeling of the girl that dropped money however, such idea are sunshine of not to be exposed to likewise, so deliberate, in the heart more regret, compunctious.


This thing let me discover, lack the quality of not pocket the money one picks up socially, although I cannot change others, but I am certain I can change oneself, do the person of a not pocket the money one picks up certainly.

