

2023-01-16 14:15:18 优秀作文 打开翻译

"With a bang become -- " I job the hand mediumly carelessly overturn is in the ground, rice soup resembles is the snow that turns water general paralysis is in the ground, be without redeemed hope. I picked up awkwardly bowl, removed remaining pieces with dishcloth fix. I hear grandfather to took ground of part blame imply to heave a sigh, the malcontent mood in the heart still is born however: " with respect to a bowl of congee, I fill a bowl to you again have to. I fill a bowl to you again have to..


I am mixed you are about the same big when, with your great-grandfather grouch, give a bowl of congee under one anger fell -- after the event is beaten suddenly then, do not forget now. " grandfather is smiling, had received me to give the congee that come. " good lord, unapt. " I murmur path.作文吧 WWW.zuOwEnBa.Net


" of course as to! Grandmother has received a word to come and placed a dish, "When we are small ah, backward everybody is short of economy eat to be worn less, met with of disaster is common people of our ground floor, time-sharing of our greater part is awaited, can dig potherb to eat only!


" which can every day dish of can afford to eat? A day of 3 eat at most that bark potherb boil, that moment still is in charge of hunger really! Grandfather is corrected.


The float in my brain reveals such picture a dressed in rage child, so thin that resemble simply it is portfolio bone, the tree root that because of hunger devouringly will see know to issue pharynx hard sends to the side of the mouth. Lower his head to have a look at oneself again the dish of the daily life of a family of the hot Shang Yi with shining white rice meal, appetizing at present and oily salt completely, be Zhui meat and fish dishes? Of a very old " it which await to resemble in those days is so good now to which await to resemble in those days " , although already familiar to the ear can detailed, but the people that is older generation really sends the deep feeling from the bottom of one's heart!


"You are not the society changes even if end must be uncovered on growing road not boil, going strongly true is a kind firm and persistent. " I admire ground say extremely,


" , bite gnash one's teeth actually, also so reply a thing. " the look of grandfather begins to become far-reaching " your great-grandfather often calls me to remember a such words: Again hard thing, can laugh to tell sooner or later in the future, think carefully today want, still be really -- of those years of our the most urgent situation starve now also the laughingstock before melt into is mensal. Still be really -- of those years of our the most urgent situation starve now also the laughingstock before melt into is mensal..


Be ah -- in wanting a heart only, conceive forever putting a hope, believe to always have so a day everything goes, the experience that elaborating him hardship to other with the manner of a kind of cannot help laughing... want to be certain when affliction only this, no matter ending how, you are a successful person.


I like be the same as grandfather, this word of hope great-grandfather is gone down by inheritance.

