

2023-01-12 15:29:09 优秀作文 打开翻译

Respected and beloved cure protects personnel:


You are good:


I am the pupil of a 5 grade. In this lengthy period of leave, in beat back new coronal in the ” of “ war pestilence of pneumonic epidemic situation, I heard a lot of touching stories about you, saw the picture that very much Zhang Rangren bursts into tears. My heart is very sad, was full of to you appreciate the sentiment with admire.

我是一名五年级的小学生。在这个漫长的假期中,在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的“战疫”中,我听到了很多关于你们的感人故事,看到了很多张让人泪流满面的照片。我的内心非常难过,对你们充满了感激与敬佩之情。出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt

This does not have the war of smoke of gunpowder, the Spring Festival that lets Geng Zinian is different common.


Life overweight Mount Taishan, before this doomsday comes, you save the bodyguard of this life namely. Escape in succession in everybody Wuhan, when escaping epidemic situation, your dying recieves orders, wrap around personally Bai Jia, drive toward Wuhan, the white garment angel that this is our admire people. Which have “ what years is static good, it is the travel before somebody loads for you nevertheless. This has ” just about your pay, just can have us today's grow.


Epidemic situation is a command, prevent accusing is responsibility. White garment angel thanks you.


Remember in one's childhood, every time I fell ill, father mother can take me come to a hospital. When the doctor that I see you are wearing white unlined long gown walks over, I wish to search to be seamed together immediately get. Because I fear to give or take an injection, hit a needle every time so I can cry greatly. And look now, because had you, the recovery after we just are falling ill every time is healthy.


Your mix bravely firm, it is the example that I learn. Although I cannot resemble you same heal the wounded and rescue the dying, but I can counteract you one case in the home beat back virus. Do not go out, diligent wash one's hands, exercise in the home.


Wish you return in triumph, reunite at an early date with family.


Your's sincerely


With high respect


Your student of admire: Luo Mengjiao


In December 2020 1 say

