Do not know the person of happy flavor, his eye is sere; Do not know the person of happy flavor, his thought is apathetic. Without happiness, people cannot know the temperature of tear. Without happiness, people does not know the moon is in where hazy. And actually, it is happy so beside us.
Early morning, having the sun of tuft warmth, there is the book that likes most originally in the hand, reading silently, let feeling roam in the book, fine savouring finely. At this moment, the ground like butterfly of a piece of scrip flies fall on the book, that familiar handwriting “ is above first 4, our become reconciled ” raises a head to come, a piece of true smiling face head on and come, I how likely definitely absolutely? In the early morning that is full of happiness in this, the diaphragmatic expunction of a few years that be like smoke, the has two individual happiness only smile that remain. Oh, it is happy actually beside, it is the smile of the understanding when old friend forgives each other only probably.
The exam fails, I of the report that taking offending to the eye, do not know how to should be explained to parents. Make up all the way gave a lot of reason, but be denied one by one by oneself. In returning the home, I lower my head not language. What mom saw me is embarrassed, does light tone ground ask me “ was not taken an examination of good? I nodded ” gently below, await mom scold. Mom however act out of normal behaviour, “ of kind ground say is irrespective, be no problem certainly next time. ” I right now am a little excited, my on the sly visited mother with Yu Guang, mom at the moment infinite encouragement was full of in the eyes, do not have a tiny bit of blaming, my heart appears slowly warmth rises, be full of strong happy sense. Oh, it is happy actually beside, just take an exam probably when sufferring a defeat, an encouragement eyes.
Life resembles a pearl that glittering and translucent get rid of appears, and resemble silk thread happily, had Guang Yan of happy life ability to take a person.
Life resembles first one beautiful poetry, and resemble note happily, had happy life ability euphonic and pleasant.
Life is wonderful like a field dumb brush, and resemble sound happily, had happy life ability wonderful unsurpassed.
It is happy beside us, wish we dip is in thick happiness.