

2023-01-07 17:57:43 优秀作文 打开翻译

I am one drops to seam the seed in in stone, just fell in stone to seam in when, I feel this is born to did not hope to develop here, do with its struggle infructuously, be inferior to submit to the will of Heaven. Can be accidental opportunity, let me change think of a way.


One day, beside my discovery that old piny the root is seamed in stone likewise li dish of music move, but of the warmth that its branches and leaves can enjoy sunshine however, light breeze touch and of bounty moist! This lets me touch: Why cannot oneself go all out? Calculate the hope that has 1% only, also want to give 100 percent effort. Then, when rain during springtime comes, I am big are sucked; When spring breeze is swayed, I am big inspiratory …… a day, two days, 3 days, my all around inky still, but I never had wanted to abandon, because there is a dream in my heart. Kongfu does not lose an observant and conscientious person, eventually one day, what I felt sunshine in darkness is bright, “ is fast! ” I secretly chuckle to oneself. Abrupt, an efflorescent rock held off my outlet, my already dog-tired this what course to follow? Successful path is not plain sailing, I must wrestle. Then, I stand firm, concentrate all power on the head, final, I developed stone to seam. The world outside everywhere charactizing a fine spring day, safflower is accompanying green grass jumping waltz, pine grandfather smilingly the ground sets upright a thumb to me! Overlook of look as far as one can, green water of this green hill, seem an excellent landscape painting!作文吧 WWW.zuOwEnBa.Net


I feel happy I am a firm seed!

