

2023-01-06 11:17:13 300字作文 打开翻译

Today, father bought a top to me. I like to make top most, see it, came immediately spirit.


I use a meter first how long ground of drawstring circuit circle has pestered top, next left hand presses it on the ground, the right hand exerts all his strength the ground pulls string, top begins to rotate. I exert all my strength smoked, “ bang ” clear sound, top turns more quickly. “ bang, bang ……” my resembling is fierce landlord in lash worker. Top is rotating ceaselessly, the brave man that resembles a stage a comeback is in battlefield of sweep anything away.

我先用一米多长的细绳一圈圈地把陀螺缠好,然后左手把它按在地上,右手使劲地一拉细绳,陀螺就开始旋转起来。我使劲抽了一下,“啪”一声脆响,陀螺转得更快了。“啪,啪……”我像是凶狠的地主在抽打工人。陀螺不停旋转着,就像一个东山再起的好汉在横扫沙场。作文网 zUOwEnBa.Net

Well! There is a hole in front, I exert all my strength to be smoked, top came be high up in the air flies cross, jumped over that small hole, fall smoothly in the across of hole. Na Xiao asperses the about of freely, a nymph is in seem jump ballet!


I keep twitching top, top also keeps alternating attitude. My horizontal stroke smokes ” of “ part of speech, top turned over a fall, stopped.


Just when I play cheerly when, top fell into a small hole suddenly in. Alas, who yields my get dizzy with success? Next I must be hit well!


Play very happily today! I will play again even tomorrow!

