

2023-01-06 01:23:42 优秀作文 打开翻译

The morning Saturday, the little brother's cry just me Cong Mengzhong Jing rise, how to return a responsibility?


I run to bear down on from the bed at once the little brother's room, tian Na! Do not be here, I the room of Mom of run to pa, see the little brother wipes a tear to say with me at the same time at the same time only: “ toot, father mother is absent! ” I hasten comfort a little brother to say: “ are they to had said yesterday? Have me! Little brother ” say: “ hum, but I became hungry! ” ! It is so such, I am forced to go to those who eat searching to the little brother. Look east, on the west look, I resembled a cat searching the home euqally a De Chaotian, turned over noodle in the cabinet eventually, I ask a little brother: Do you want “ eat noodle? Little brother ” nods, my heart thinks: This falls always can quiet a little while!来源 wwW.ZUowEnbA.nET


Then, I come to the kitchen, was to wear apron first, cut green into next paragraph, receive little ginger tip again, preparative work has been done, I make turn on the gas, trifling oil poured in past boiler, when the Wen Wucheng that wait for oil is hot, the chopped green onion that has cut me and ginger were put in, hear the voice of ” of give a talking-to of “ give a talking-to only, immediately, a fragrance is tangy and come, really sweet! When the eye looks at chopped green onion to be about to become yellow, I am gone to rapidly in pour water, flashy, resemble putting firecracker inside boiler like the bang in Pi. Finally, I am put into noodle to use chopstick agitate again, passed very big a little while, noodle rolls in boiler rise, the heart thinks should about the same. I fill noodle in the bowl rapidly, cooling back end eats to the little brother. Look! Little brother a pair of excited appearance, he ate a big to say: “ ! Very weak! ” I am a little strange, also tasted, ha! I forgot to put salt unexpectedly.


Today's experience is really unforgettable, do not cross me or harvested a lot of, I learned to take care of a little brother, more learned earn one's own living.

