

2023-01-05 13:42:31 优秀作文 打开翻译

Life is like a song, was full of feeling. Each small note, want to be performed with enthusiastic, self-confidence. Had taken oneself route, sing oneself song noisy.


Just have shift when song, often bland. Won't conspicuous, life also is such. Such life is insipid and true. Be in true in results is calm, be in calm in many a little makes a mickle.


When prelude appearing in song, perhaps had in your heart trifling expect, expecting the libretto from the back, the rest of life. In expect we learned tolerance, learned to hold to.


Enter a climax when song, life begins boiling, life becomes significant. The pace that steps at this moment is more sturdy, life place sends out if the intense emotion that give burns like blaze.


Song is about to end, life is met a few more thinking, a few edificatory, life becomes mature.


Next the tree of life is like autumnal maple leaf, na Yangong's lubricious maple leaf, full tree clusters round. It is to use last hour, the bright bout of wrestle life. Pardonable Tang Chaoshi cloud of poem of person Du Mu: “ jockeys sit love maple Lin Wan, red leaves is red will spend ” in Feburary. Yes, the flower of life is like half the sky of incarnadine of the setting sun.


Life is like a song, rise when end noise, life also is about to end. At this moment, need not distracted, need not sigh sigh. Wind the way that has looked, two footmark string together note like a string emphatic.


“ much branch road, how be today? When ” shortly will set foot on the road of life, although be full of hardships, but we can stand fast the belief of that constantly strive to become stronger in the heart, sing oneself song noisy.


Life is like a song, on any account answers annulus. “ is in to water end all right, sit the ” when seeing the cloud rise, although the road of life has hard pinch, but we want happy-go-lucky, take things philosophically calm.


“ life is alive asymmetry meaning, ming Dynasty sends out do ” smalling boat. Classmates, even if life errors more, also ask you to believe your, had taken oneself route with bold and generous feelings, sing the song of oneself life noisy!

