

2023-01-02 22:46:39 优秀作文 打开翻译

In I am that 10 years old years, in the home much a fresh blood, she is my little sister. Since the home that the little sister comes to to us, father mother delivers all energy to her body almost. Father mother estranged with me gradually, I know all these is the spirit that the little sister makes.


In the little sister about the same half years old when, sent high fever, father mother at that time can be to send mad, impatient region little sister goes to a hospital, the mom in the hospital is holding a little sister in the arms closely, still wear in the talk about again and again in the mouth at the same time: How can this do “ ? How can this do? ” matched good medicine to return the home at long last, but the little sister just was drunk,go in a bit medicine was spat again come out, father is a serious person at ordinary times, become peculiar and tender right now, thinking method is fed to the little sister urgently aside go in a bit medicine. This little sister, before me when attack of fever, never can cross such pay! Think consider is worn, I feel nose acid is acerbity suddenly, said acoustical “ with father mother stealthily I go going up toilet ” , be in next of everybody not advertent in, I wiped tear in closet.作文 WwW.ZuOwENbA.NeT


However, as the time that get along longer and longer, I feel slowly, having a little sister actually also is very good.


Classes are over everyday after arriving home, the little sister sees I cry can affectionately: “ elder brother! I see ” such little sister, what to calculate with respect to the thing before meeting feeling, I can hold a little sister in the arms to say “ elder brother comes back! Does the little sister want not to think me? ” if mom sees this pair of occasion, meet understanding laughs.


My little sister, you are my sweet burden, bring me mirth sometimes, make me distressed again sometimes, you are to let a person love to be hated again again really!

