

2023-01-01 20:40:04 优秀作文 打开翻译

Do you know who my good friend is? Then I tell you! She calls Lin Ziyan, a pair of eyes of spirit of fresh and juicy resemble can talking like, the most provoking the small cheek that the place that love is her, for nothing, very smooth, still have a piece of glib small mouth, really beautiful!


Her father goes the other place works, want to spend the New Year to just can come home, there are she and mother only in the home at ordinary times so, and mom besides work in the factory outside, do chore even. Lin Ziyan is very able, often help her mom do chore, in order to reduce mom's burden.出自 wwW.zuoWEnBA.nEt


Lin Ziyan most of expert is a fried dish, when her father comes back to spend the New Year every time, she can show a few hands, do a few good food to eat to father mother, father mother and neighbour boast she is sensible.


Remember once, lin Ziyan fell ill, but she still goes to school, her mom says to her: “ good daughter, you are uncomfortable, rest in the home! ” but Lin Ziyan says: “ not! Mom, fall ill what to calculate, do not go going to school, how to listen to acquire new knowledge to teacher lecture? Be no good, I must go to school. ” her mom does not say to cross her, be forced to send her to go to school.


Since that later, I feel Lin Ziyan is particularly firm, what difficulty does not pour her hard, I am proud to have such good friend, I must learn to her.

