

2023-01-01 03:14:48 优秀作文 打开翻译

A new book resembles “ is ” of a boat this is Helen · Keller the book in memory. “ book is our manna. ” this is the book in Pu Xijin memory. Each book is my teacher, they take ocean of my roam knowledge, teach me the truth of institutional life.


Small when, mom often sits in the head of a bed, tell each beautiful story to me. " small red cap " , " list that fox " , " Tang poetry 300 " etc. Of small red cap innocent, of big grey wolf atrocious, those who list that fox is tricky, these animals people, and that touchs first times one interior Tang poetry, each wonderful and beautiful story, enlightened my little heart.


As the growth of the age, my read limits to also expand. " on the west travel notes " , " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " , " Haerluojie " these books are indispensable. See " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " in group flower big fight, let me know we are great the long history of the motherland, also let me understand one Lv of “ 2 Zhao Sandian Wei, 4 close ” of 5 Ma Liu Zhang Fei these a brave and strong man are violent will. Hal and Roger are risking life danger to be mixed with enormous courage extraordinary wisdom, walked out of the crisis the forest of 4 bend over. These lovely and respected characters gave us the happiness of the self-confidence of life and human nature. Those who give us life is insurgent with passion, the interior overflow that makes me blundering has relaxed cool wind.


What I like most is " Harry · baud " , halley uses his dauntless courage conquer professor of strange the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces. Halley's courage is worth my admire, he makes me clear: Life is much more difficult, but you should be faced bravely only, all difficulty can be overcome. Read, let my open intellectual gate, let me understand the truth …… of life


“ is a book most sweet can send far, the abdomen has poetic book to enrage from China ” savours a book sweet, make me reasonable, the book is sweet accompany me, give me wisdom.

