

2023-01-01 01:39:06 优秀作文 打开翻译

When it is difficult that it always is in friendship, let me be faced together, friendship is the potion fine medicine in the life.


That day, I come to the school as always, it is good to think of a little while to be able to be mixed again friendly an amuse oneself, study, my pace is lively make some. Walk into a classroom, well, how has not Liu Jiayan come? Time little elapses, very fast the first class finished class, my stretch oneself, same as usual in the happy days that prepares to call superior friend to throw big break together.


Look later, have the place of that absolutely empty only, one is hit in the heart greatly interrogation, she after all how, fell ill? little the laugh like that Yin Ling, very incommensurate really! Mobile playtime, expect that medium frisky form and ringing laugh, did not appear all the time, feel the heart is hollow all day long fall fall.


The following day, come to the classroom, that is familiar with the form that cannot be familiar with again to still did not appear, look at the seat of empty sky, the full doubt in the heart and distressed.


At this moment, hep Xiaogao tells me, liu Jiayan brings transfer into play because of what mom works. I one terrified, the seem in the heart by the person heavily biff. In operation of cerebrum high speed: “ how may this be true? Won't be true! Has not been our agreement finished? ” my nose one acid, tear seizes the socket of eye and go out.


The past one act one act emerges before my, from us understanding begins, we resemble connecting body baby same, always together, row in the park together, pile Sha Bao together, learn together, an amuse oneself, the laugh like your Na Yinling, one string is chasing after me, make popular feeling medium feel clinking warmth, happy.


Nowadays, I just realize, we the friendship of two is how precious, but time is gone forever, those who leave me is full memory only.

