

2022-04-18 09:25:31 植物作文 打开翻译

Spent cold winter, vernal footstep is closer and closer from us, bashful winter jasmine flower broadened stealthily smiling face.


The branch that greets spring flower fine grow again, tender tender green green, gentle breeze has been blown, fine fine branch follows wind flap, have the girl of dance lightly like. Leave on branch full maize floret, look from far, hua Zhengji of tuft bunch winter jasmine is fought colourful, the arrival that is spring added infinite lease of life. Approach to look, winter jasmine flower is in bud, resemble a bashful composition girl. Have a plenty of bud, look full crack wants on distensible horse like. Before I am moved toward, go hearing light flower gently sweet, experiencing vernal breath.作文 WwW.ZuOwENbA.NeT


Greeting spring flower is 100 flowers in the first will to the world inform people spring has come, although its flower is ordinary, abloom time is not long also, but it the sort of bloom silently spring the consecratory spirit of the newspaper lets me must the heart gives birth to admire, the heart is unripe like. Greeting spring flower is a kind of marvelous floret really!

