

2022-05-24 23:40:08 叙事作文 打开翻译

Gorky ever had said: “ book is ascensive a flight of stairs of the mankind. ” book is our good friend, experience of OK and open eye shot, growth, rich accumulate, improve quality, having very active sense.


In classmaster of Mr. Chen guide below, good through cento word is good while we are reading extracurricular book sentence, make read card, thinking guides the graph will deepen the impression of pair of book content, arouse what the person abounds to associate.

在班主任陈老师的带领下,我们在看课外书的同时通过摘录好词好句,制作阅读卡,思维导图来加深对书本内容的印象,激发人丰富的联想。来源作文吧 zUowEnBa.nET

Recently, I was read " little hand fairy tale " story. Carry this book, I was known meet with the person should greet sb, no matter do what thing to want to find pleasure to help others, want to know care others, want between the friend mutual and self-effacing, want to do a person that knows culture. Slowly, in classmaster the guiding of Mr. Chen falls, our read limits wider and wider also. Begin to look " 100 thousand why " this book arrives greatly astronomy is geographical, small to life bagatelle, each article tells us a scientific minor principle, help me widen eye shot, growth to know composition sign, return the interest that can increase study, it is my good helper really. Everybody is familiar " earthworm diary " , " piggy is rare li of part of speech " , " sprat of great stature mice cat " , " encyclopedia " , " Chinese fairy tale " , " the story of stupid wolf " wait for a book, I also was read, harvested a lot of knowledge, the term that abounded me is accumulated, also let me know a lot of new words, to me at ordinary times conversation and writing article have huge to help. At ordinary times in the talk of I and mom, always can appear good word is good sentence, mom praises: It is good that “ reads more! ”


Through reading, I understood a lot of reasons that be an upright person: Want to friendly to the person, unite, be an upright person should say sincere letter. I still knew a lot of scientific little common sense. In the life, I can solve difficult problem with small doohickey. The thing that I still knew the world to go up is not had surprise not to have.


The benefit that read is really much, I love to read. No less than of a good book a good teacher and helpful friend, accompany my happiness to grow happily!

