

2022-05-16 11:03:13 叙事作文 打开翻译

Of day north heavy, resemble a huge black big screen. Cold wind breathes out in my side side breathe out the ground is being blown, wind is blown on the face to be cut like the knife.


I go crestfallenly on the way home, often wiping tear, see a scree, fly one foot kicks gravel to 9 night went outside the cloud! Going, I went downstair, one closefisted is catching trouser legs closely, paying garment part single-handed, dare not go upstairs. Sufferring from a piece of face, resembled be being bitten by dinosaur in the heart. Already sadness fears again, fear the classmate mocks me, fear again mom blame I, fear father hits me. Ashamed is, I took an examination of that 49 minutes of a wee bit only.


I want sadder more, want sadder more. Previously, I see elevator, run into like seeing heaven, but my resembling saw 10 compositions are eightfold and Tartarean today, arrived at the door the home, I dare not knock, it is good to passed a little while, I just beat the door. Bout is excellent, I lie on sofa, a bit spirit also is done not have, still look at mom often, in the heart more feared!


She feels distressed the ground asks: “ baby, are you uncomfortable? When ” mom asks, my tear flowed insensibly, I drew out the examination paper that took an examination of 49 minutes from satchel.


Mom has received examination paper to look, very angry! Mom is knitting brows, panting, knead examination paper into posse, fling at me, examination paper brushs a shoulder beside me and pass, say ferociously: Does “ take an examination of mark of this a wee bit to still the face comes back? Raise you in vain! Hum! ”


I dare not breathe heavily even gas readily, very sad, …… of toot of toot

