

2022-05-10 16:08:46 叙事作文 打开翻译

Xi Xi, baidu but really good with, it is degree of be worthy of woman that become!


Spending a woman is an encyclopedia simply! It knows the thing that a lot of my place do not know! For example: How is the word read, how is the composition written, how is some problem done, how to use thingamy to wait a respect a moment. In my eye, spend a woman, it is an encyclopedia!


In me won't when how is a certain word read, I can remember —— spends a woman! I can establish equestrian electrify head, move writing means to input a word with the hand, next how does this word read search search, means what, make me much understand understanding.出自 wwW.zuoWEnBA.nEt


In me vexed composition does not know composition head how to be written, when how should be content written, I or meeting think of —— spends a woman! Be in degree of woman that, I see a lot of a lot of compositions, get me more incomputable!


Do not know in me how that problem is done, when how is this problem done, I spend a woman immediately the search also knew how to be done immediately, how be informed, these I should understand deeply.


Some appearance article won't be used in me when, I should press gently only mouse, countless kinds of methods are shown come, let me know.


Look! Spending a woman is how magical! Press gently mouse, can get varied result!

