

2023-01-27 16:46:24 500字作文 打开翻译

The traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of May 5, each door mouth placed Ai Cao, xie Piao of the Zong in the kitchen is sweet, dragon boat festival as scheduled and to.


According to legend in ancient time, qin Guogong cut the capital of Hunan country, in heart of patriotic poet Qu Yuan very sad, because this is in,write down " Huai Sha " hind, devote into Mi Luo Jiang. Later generations is bent for souvenir former, had a package those who eat a zhongzi is zhongzi, consuetudinary.

相传古时候,秦国攻破了楚国的都城,爱国诗人屈原心里十分难过,因此在写下《怀沙》后,就投身汨罗江了。后人为了纪念屈原,就有了包粽子、吃粽子的习俗。作文 wWw.ZUOweNbA.nEt

I am longing early to wrap a zhongzi. Overnight of dragon boat festival, I and mom take out the Zong page that prepares early, polished glutinous rice, candied date or jujube and gram, still have cut a cotton thread, preparation wraps a zhongzi. Become Zong Xiejuan above all funnel shape, resemble an awl, toward inside put one spoon polished glutinous rice; Pound with the chopstick then, issue easy sky otherwise; Add two candied date or jujube in funnel next, continue to add polished glutinous rice above until add full; Reoccupy ladle planish, add up to a zhongzi finally, extruding becomes trigonometry state, plunge into with cotton thread close, such, traditional cone-shaped zhongzi is good with respect to the bag. It is easy to say, it is difficult to be done, I was plunged into a lot of times did not succeed, be in finally of mom help reluctance issueing ability has been plunged into. The bag was over to be returned so that boil, the zhongzi that boil also has exquisite, grandmother says the zhongzi is frowsty ripe, do not thoroughly cook, frowsty zhongzi must small fire is boiled slow, mom boiled two hours to just had been boiled, it is not easy really.


Dragon boat festival in the morning, I am eating the zhongzi that I wrap, titus is fastened in the heart glad, very successful feeling. Dragon boat festival is one of our country traditional festival, besides the bag those who eat a zhongzi is zhongzi, consuetudinary, still have dragon boat of the yellow rice or millet wine that drink hero, contest, those who hang Ai Cao is consuetudinary. “ country dies why does body fall from the sky have today, stay to be in from coquettish only worldly ” , qu Yuan although be dead, but the consuetudinary meeting of dragon boat festival circulates forever go down, whenever dragon boat festival, family reunites together, pray jointly healthy, restful!

