

2023-01-24 19:54:55 500字作文 打开翻译

Phlogistic emperor square is a beautiful big park. Come to the god farming city, along a sinuate alley, come to extremely broad phlogistic emperor square. Square Founder of phlogistic emperor square, the floor tile on square is very peculiar, the square brick that carved word of “ blessing ” by 10 thousand is spread, shipshape, do not leave a bit gap. Of square in the middle of a phlogistic emperor resembles. Resemble to phlogistic emperor from trail, have many meters 200 about, phlogistic emperor resembles very lofty and martial, there is a tremendous herbal basket on his back, the vision is sharp, look to distance, as if saying: The day former days compares “ much more difficult now, young people, you should value happy now life well! ”

炎帝广场是一个美丽的大公园。来到神农城,沿着一条弯弯曲曲的小路,就来到了无比宽阔的炎帝广场。炎帝广场方方正正的,广场上的地砖十分奇特,由一万块刻了“福”字的方砖铺成的,整整齐齐的,不留一点儿缝隙。广场的正中间有一座炎帝像。从小径到炎帝像,大约有200多米,炎帝像非常高大威武,他背上有一个巨大的草药筐,目光炯炯有神,看向远方,仿佛在说:“往日的日子比现在艰苦多了,年轻的人们啊,你们要好好珍惜现在幸福的生活!”来自作文吧 zUOwENbA.net

Bypass phlogistic emperor resembles, come to the god with vessel famous vessel farming lake. The lake water of divine farming lake is so static that the lake water of divine farming lake resemble one side mirror, so green that resemble a jasper, extremely beautiful! On the lake face like the mirror, had delimited from time to time a few yacht, yacht falls in the illuminate of sunshine, more clear, added a lot of lease of life to the lake face that calms originally. There is a many meters 300 television tower on the side of divine farming lake, when night comes, countless lamplight gather on the tower, television tower immediately resplendent and magnificent, glisten.


Visit television tower, a dark green hill wraps greet. Approach to look, there is on hill winding spiral alley, go along alley upgrade, saw look of —— of a cloister farming altar. The housetop of this cloister is more distinctive, quadrilateral up cock, intermediate upgrade, color of red wall, red top is same, look extremely comfortable.


At the back of divine farming altar, it is divine farming great theater. This great theater also has distinguishing feature very much, appearance resembles a huge bird's nest. Classics regular meeting has the show of drama of large concert, singing and dancing here, very lively.


The beauty of divine farming city says to also say very much to hope you have time to be able to go fine fine view and admire.

